Chapter 19:

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You and Clawdeen walked through the school halls the next day, your hands clamped together as if you would loose one another in the pool of students. She held onto you tightly, not allowing you to walk freely and on your own. It was as if she held onto a leash, restricting you from moving away from her.

Your feet moved more quickly than hers, her long and powerful strides proving her confidence while your short and quick steps proved your submission. She didn't seem to mind, however, and still allowed you to keep up by not walking too fast.

You looked around the hallway. More stares and whispers came, but this time you paid it no mind. Though the sudden attention bothered you, you didn't dare make a sound about it. You didn't want Clawdeen to think you were ashamed of being with her.

You noticed a familiar face, and as you got closer you identified it to be Frankie. A few students blocked your vision, but as you passed them you noticed the entire group beside her. Clawdeen's grip tightened, and you squeezed her hand as if to tell her of your obedience.

Draculaura saw you immediately, and after a few whispers and pointed fingers they made their way to approach you.

A small pit formed in your gut, the anxiety nipping at you and tearing into your confidence. You glanced up at Clawdeen, who seemed unfazed by the group. Clawdeen kept going, threatening to collide with the group that walked in your direction.  The closer they got, and the closer Clawdeen walked to them, the more you wanted to run. You sucked your head down as to not make eye contact, your nerves not being able to handle it for much longer.

But as they got closer, Clawdeen passed them effortlessly. She didn't turn to look at them once, and you felt yourself relax at the new distance you had put between them and yourself.

Clawdeen's actions had a consequence, however, as the ghoul group gasped in offence. They turned and sped up to you before Draculaura put a hand on Clawdeen's shoulder and spun her around. Clawdeen released your hand and glared at Draculaura. She glared back, threatening Clawdeen with her stare.

"Is there a problem?" Clawdeen snapped, her hostility only offending the group more.

"Excuse me?" Cleo snapped back.

"I said," Clawdeen lowered herself to be at Cleo's height. "Is there a fucking problem?"

You grabbed onto Clawdeen, your anxiety fueling you to run. You refused to, however, and decided to stop the situation rather than allow it to continue.

"Come on, Clawdeen." You mumbled, holding her hand and gently tugging at her arm. "Let's go, okay?"

"No!" She barked.

You backed away in defense. You had never seen her act so violently towards you, and it scared and saddened you immediately. Her eyes softened at you before she gently nudged you away.

"Just, go to class, okay baby?" She hummed, and she planted a small kiss to your forehead.

"Can we just go?" You asked. "I-I don't want us to get in trouble."

"Yeah, Clawdeen." Frankie crossed her arms. "Just go."

With those words, Clawdeen was back to being aggressive and ready to fight. She launched herself at Frankie, but you grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back in time. Frankie jumped back in surprise before she took off running. The other ghouls followed, leaving you two alone in the now empty halls. You checked a clock that hung on the wall and gasped.

"We're late to class! Argh! I didn't even hear the bell!" You panicked.

Clawdeen glared at you. It was almost as if she hated you in the moment for stopping her. You didn't care, though. As long as she stayed out of trouble you were okay.

"Shut up!" Clawdeen grumbled. "You always get in the way."

"Huh?" You questioned. The newfound disrespect had you at a loss for words. She had never been so angry with you before.

"What, need me to repeat it??" She propped her hand up on her hip, readying herself to get defensive and loud. "You get in the way!"

"Look, be mad all you want but I wasn't going to just let you get in trouble!" You snapped back. "You always get yourself into situations that I have to save you from!"

Clawdeen felt her heart snap in half at your reply. Your very first argument had started. Sure, she expected it at some point, but it still hurt her. The pain made her even more angry, and she felt her face grow hot from your response.

"What?!" You snapped again. "You always come at me, but when I come back at you I'm wrong?! This is a fucking double standard and I can't stand that! I was helping you! Why do you think everyone's against you? I'm here to help you! Why don't you let me!?"

Your frustration was understandable, but Clawdeen couldn't care. She was still in her tantrum, and she quickly turned on her heel to stomp away.

You groaned and dropped your arms by your side, defeat settling into your mind as you lethargically followed after her.

"Come on, Clawdeen. Don't ignore me." You tried.

She huffed and kept her speed, making it to where you couldn't catch up by simply walking.

"You know I'm right! That's why you're walking off!"

Still no reply. You groaned again and sighed. "Fine. Be that way."

You silently followed after her, knowing that if you didn't the consequence would be destructive to your relationship.

"Women." You complained. "So emotional!"

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now