Chapter 12:

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You walked beside Clawdeen in the cafeteria, almost a whole 2 weeks after the fight between her and Draculaura. She bit into an apple as she popped her hips. You, who walked as stiff as possible, rambled on about your earlier lectures.

Clawdeen draped an arm over your shoulders as you walked passed Draculaura's table. None of the ghouls looked up at you, and instead they kept their focus on the table and their voices down.

Clawdeen's smirk spread onto your face like a virus, sending both of you into giggling messes at the other ghouls reactions. It felt like you had a bodyguard, and the amount of power you felt was amazing.

Clawdeen admired your blushing, giggling form and pulled your weight against her. You allowed her to, and you propped your body against her tall stature. She hugged your waist and nuzzled into your hair.

Confidence rushed over her, and she pulled you in the direction of the bathroom.

"Can I talk to you?" She hummed.

You nodded, following her to the restrooms to have a secret chat. She checked every stall before deciding that you were alone. She inhaled deeply.

"What?" You giggled. "What's wrong?"

"I like you." She blurted.

You blinked, a blank expression over your face. Oh God...this isn't what I think it it?? Surely not. You battled with yourself. Surely she isn't asking me out.

Clawdeen cleared her throat and gently took your hands in hers. "I really, really like you. We've only been friends for a short while but...but I think you're the best person ever!!"

You blinked again.

She stared at you expectantly for a few silent moments. Then, she began talking again.

"I wanna...I wanna take you on a date? Please?"

You thought for a second before breaking hand contact. "We'll talk about it later." You hummed, and you turned and ran from the bathrooms.

Clawdeen chased after you, her leg strength catching her up to you immediately. You allowed her to block your path, not having the energy to fight her.

"Look, I'll call you later, ok?" You said. "We can talk about it later!"

Clawdeen was on the verge of tears, her panic sending her into a frantic, sobbing mess.

"I-I'm so sorry!!" She cried out. "I d-didn't even think ab-about how you would fe-el!!"

You nodded. "That's okay. But I'm leaving now."

Your patience was thin, and the adrenaline from your flight response was catching up to you. You stepped away from her and made your way off of the school grounds.

You decided you'd head to the nearest park and swing on the swing set. How long had she felt for you? How long had she admired you? Did she like you the moment she met you? Is that why she fought Draculaura? When did she decided to like you, out of everyone?

Clawdeen, however, sat in the back of Clawd's car as Clawd drove her home. Her hair was sticking to her sweating face, and her makeup was running down her cheeks from her tears. She couldn't stop crying, no matter how hard she tried. Her voice was hoarse and crackling, fading in and out as she rambled to Clawd about how she had ruined your perfect friendship.

Clawd kept calm and drove past the park you sat at. He waved at you from the window. You didn't ignore him, and instead waved back. You had no intentions on ignoring Clawdeen and Clawd. You didn't have the intention of running, either. You just panicked! You weren't gay! Or bi! Or pan!! You had been straight your entire life, and the new possibility scared you.

You closed your eyes. If she really meant it, then I'd consider it. But it was probably just a joke.

Your eyes glistened when the notification sound came through your phone. You checked the screen.

Wolfie girl🐺:
(Y/N) please in so sorry I didnt even tink about yuo please forgive me you mean so much to mw im soso sorry please I won't do it again I promise please forgive me

Wolfie girl🐺:
Please meet me somewhere we cab talk abut this

Wolfie girl🐺:
We can meet at the diner

Wolfie girl🐺:
Or the gas station

Wolfie girl🐺:
Please (Y/N) I'm srry

You winced at her messages. She had obviously sent them while crying, because her inability to spell became much more noticeable. You huffed. Would you really meet up with her? She had put a wedge between you two, whether she had meant to or not. You contemplated it.

Your fingers shook as you typed up a reply.

I'll meet you at the diner. Let me get some money first. I'll meet you there at 7.

Her reply came immediately after you hit send.

Wolfie girl🐺:
I'll pay for you! Thank you so much!

Don't be late. I'm not feeling good.

Wolfie girl🐺:
I promise I won't be late!!

You exhaled. Should you let her pay? She offered, anyway.

You shrugged. You'd bring money, just in case. Were you planning on dating her? No. Did you plan on talking it out? Of course.

You sighed. What if your relationship with her would be the best relationship you've ever had? What if you never had any luck with men because you were meant to be with a woman? What if Clawdeen was the woman you were destined to be with?

You shoved the thoughts away. You were STRAIGHT. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

You sighed and lifted yourself from the swing you sat on and made your way back to your house. You had a lot of time before 7, and you were already dreading the diner meet up.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now