Chapter 31:

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You stiffened in your sleep before opening your eyes. You slowly looked around the dark bedroom you laid in. It felt unfamiliar, yet you had gotten used to the feeling of unfamiliarity after running with Clawdeen. You felt the bed beside you and realized that Clawdeen wasn't there. You felt around a bit more. Her spot was barely warm, signaling that she hadn't been in bed for a while. You wondered what she was doing.

You shrugged and yawned. It didn't matter, surely she was still in the house. You didn't have a reason to worry, so you didn't.

You sighed and stood from the bed. Then, you stretched your muscles before heading the satisfying pops of your bones. You shuffled through the frigid house, clutch ok ng your arms close to you to conserve your warmth. You found the bathroom and opened the door and turned on the light. It lit the hallway, sending its bright light out over the walls and floors of the hall. You shuffled in and shut the door.

You sat on the toilet and smacked your lips. They were dry, yet your mouth felt sticky and slimy from your slumber. You breathed outwards, relaxing your body as you waited. Once you were done, you stood and flushed.

A sudden thud came from the next room, and you remembered it to be Clawdeen's grandparents room. Another thud came, and you gasped. With one final thud, this one louder and more aggressive than the others, you jumped in the air and covered your mouth. It shook the walls and the door, and you stayed still as you waited for another thump. Nothing else came, and your heart rate slowed a bit.

It sped up immediately after, causing you to feel dizzy and sick. You felt like you were at the top of a roller coaster. What would they be doing this late at night? Why such hard thuds against the wall before complete silence. Surely if they were doing things then it wouldn't be so loud and so aggressive?

You stepped from the bathroom and moved to their door. Sounds of scurrying and dragging sounded, and you lifted a shaking hand before knocking. The sounds stopped immediately.

"G-Grandma?" You called. "Grandpa? Are you guys okay in there?"


"It's me, (Y/N)."

Still no sound.

You shivered. Something felt off, and you didn't want to stick around to find out. You shrugged it off, maybe they were moving things around?

You shrugged again, this time from the cold, and went back to bed. You curled up under the blankets, enjoying the warmth it provided.

Clawdeen sighed in relief. She had thought you'd never leave. In all honesty, she thought you'd try to investigate further. Things would have really been complicated then.

She wrapped her fingers around her grandmother's ankle, it being stiff like a wide stick. She pulled hard, dragging her silently to the joined bathroom. She grabbed her grandmother's shirt and pulled her into the bath. The water that she had previously ran sploshed around her grandmother's bleeding body. Blood filled the tub.

Then, she pulled her grandfather into the water and sat him on top of her grandmother. She pulled the plug from the bottom of the tub and watched the crimson water swirl down the drain.

She sighed and pushed her frizzy brown hair from her face with a wet hand as she crouched by the bath. She had put in so much work, and yet she still felt as if she hadn't been rewarded for it.

She was just scared. She was scared of losing you. She was scared of losing her baby, the one that's always been there for her. She was scared of losing her number one fan. You had supported everything! You had supported what everyone else overlooked!

She didn't want to lose you.

She couldn't lose you.

She wouldn't lose you.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now