Chapter 25:

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Days had passed since you saw Clawdeen, and you had begun to worry about her. She had never went so long before calling or texting, and you had gotten comfortable with the consistent calls. You turned over in your bed, unsure if you should contact her or not.

She did just loose her friends. She had a perfectly good reason to not call. But still, you worried for her.

You gazed at your phone, unsure if you were making a right or wrong decision. Surely if she wanted to talk then she would have called already? Surely she would still be talking to you?

Clawdeen laid on her own bed, her own mental battle causing her to shut down. She killed her friends. Her friends! Her only friends on the planet, and she killed them! And for what?

That's right. She killed them for you.

She felt horrible, absolutely terrible about killing them. Then, she remembers why and looses every ounce of emotion except for adoration for you, and it was a huge cycle that she just couldn't escape from!

She wondered how long she had been avoiding you for. Hours? Days? Weeks?

She had lost track of time, that damned cycle had caused her to lose track of everything!

She decided to text you.

Hey...I think I need to see you

I've been worried about you. Come see me

With that message, Clawdeen jumped off her bed and packed a small carry bag to take. Then, she was off to your house.

She arrived quicker than she thought, and she barged in your door and flung herself on top of you. You held her close, not wanting to harm her any more than she already was harmed.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Of course, baby!" Her cheerful response confused you. "I'll always be okay with you beside me!"

Shouldn't she be upset? Shouldn't she be sad? Angry maybe? Scared?

She wasn't, and she had no problem showing that. Any idea of her being in shock left your mind. If she was, it wouldn't take so long for it to last, would it? She should be having some type of emotion to it, shouldn't she?

Something wasn't right, and you wanted to figure out what. "I-I think I need a nap." You mumbled. "Want to nap with me?"

"Sure!" Clawdeen crawled off of you and laid beside you, cradling you in her arms.

You closed your eyes and evened out your breathing. After a few minutes, she had fallen asleep. You opened your eyes to confirm it, and sure enough she had fallen into a deep slumber. You wiggled free from her grasp, being careful not to wake her, and grabbed her cellphone before tiptoeing to the restroom.

As wrong as it was, you had to figure something out.

You typed in the code, the day and month you got together, and went through her messages. Nothing was shown between her and any one of the dead girls.

Next, you went through her social media. Nothing about the dead girls.

Eventually, her gallery was the only thing left. You didn't feel the need to check it, but you figured you would since you had the time.

You opened the gallery, and immediately you saw suspicious pictures. You clicked on them.

Images of the girls cut open and Clawdeen smiling beside them filled your vision. You gagged a bit at the gore, scrolling through every one until you got to the end of them. You exited the album and sat the phone on the sink counter before sitting back on the toilet lid.

She had killed them.

Offed them.

Slaughtered then like pigs.

But why? What reason?

The confusion and fear rendered you defenseless against the vomit that scratched at your throat. You jumped off the toilet and spilled your stomach into it. You had been cuddling with a killer. A monster.

You had forgotten, as a human, how dangerous monsters were. How unpredictable they could be.

A sudden knock at the door startled you, and you stared at the unlocked doorknob. You jumped up and locked it, your heart beating through your chest and into your ears and eyes.

You breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth, keeping your noise down to a minimum.

"Hello? (Y/N)?" Clawdeen called out.

Your breath hitched in your throat. You had forgotten that you were home alone with a murderer.

Were you next?

"Baby? Is my phone in there?"

Another knock.

"Come on, I need that!"

Clawdeen's voice grew more desperate and rushed. You stayed silent, the fear stopping you from talking.

"Babe!" She slammed her palm on the door. "Open the fucking door!"

Normally, you wouldn't think twice about her being protective over her phone. But you knew.

You still didn't know if you were next.

You didn't want to ask.

You wanted to go home.

Out of New Salem.

Away from your monster 'girlfriend'.

Away from everyone.

You just wanted to go home.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now