Choice 1: Distract Clawdeen

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You stood to your feet and inhaled a sharp breath. Something was happening out there, and you were sure Clawdeen needed your help.

Your legs ached from sitting again, and you could only hope that the pain would subside by the time you were able to help her.

But did you want to help her? You didn't want to hurt her, God no. But you didn't want to be held against your will, treated as if one wrong move will get you in traumatizing punishment. You were tired of that.

You just wanted to go to your real home, the home that you had been taken from.

With much hesitation, you slowly opened the door that Clawdeen had specifically said to keep shut. This act of rebellion felt freeing, it took a weight on your shoulders that you had never realized was there.

It brought confidence as well, and you were sure you'd escape. All you had to do was just not be seen.

Or you could distract her.

You tiptoed down the hallway and watched from a distance. Clawdeen bludgeoned an officer while her co-worker lay unconscious beside them. How Clawdeen overpowered them, you didn't know.

You glanced at the door that stood mete inches from Clawdeen. There was no way you'd be able to escape.

So you did the only logical thing you could to prevent her from killing another innocent person.

"Clawdeen!" You yelled. "Stop!"

Her head shot up immediately, and in that time the officer that she had been beating was able to flip Clawdeen off of her.

Amber held the gun to Clawdeen's temple, threatening her with the firearm.

You stood still, shaking like a leaf in the wind, yet standing your ground proudly.

Amber pulled her taser from her pocket quickly and tased Clawdeen. She seized up for a few seconds before her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Amber sighed and stood to her feet.

"Y-You don't think she's dead, do you?"

"No, just unconscious. She will be fine."

You sunk to the ground, your tears causing your vision to be blurry and distorted.

"What do I do now?" You asked her.

She glanced over at her partner, who obviously had drawn the short straw.

"You leave that to me."

2 years later

You, Rochelle, and Gilda walked through the hallways of your new, high end college. You giggled with the girls, unable to contain your tone as they repeatedly made jokes.

You had become a lot less worried with the two by your side, they easily became your best friends after you all had moved to the same college.

Chandler Academy had been difficult to land a spot in, but you had done it, despite the trauma and setbacks you had.

Gilda waved goodbye as she walked to her first class, leaving only you and Rochelle. Together, you made your way down the halls and to your shared first class.

You sat at your seat and smiled over at her. She held a pleased grin herself, and you wondered how Clawdeen was holding up in prison.

The sudden memory of her turned your stomach into knots, and you wiggled around to shake the feeling off. It seemed to work, and you focused on pulling your books from your bag.  Your phone buzzed from your pocket, and you grabbed it quickly. It was a message from your therapist.

Hey! Just wanted to remind you of your appointment tomorrow. How are you feeling?

I'm feeling good. Thank you for asking.

Glad to hear! See you tomorrow!

You smiled. Your life had finally gone back to normal. Well, as normal as normal could be.



Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now