Chapter 17:

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Clawdeen waited patiently outside of your classroom door, her phone in her hand and her earbuds in. She was waiting for the bell to ring and for her to walk you to your next one.

She popped gum in her mouth as her fingers tapped at her phone screen. Her eyes scanned the halls for lurking teachers and, after finding none, returned her gaze to her device.

How about we go get pizza after school?
I know a pizza place that's pretty cool!

Yeah, but we just had pizza. I think I want takeout.

She giggled and typed a quick reply. Your pickiness was cute to her.

Fine, but only because I love you!

Thanks, babe.

Her heart pumped with joy. The pet names you called her were pretty basic, but she loved every second of it. She found it sweet and simple, things you enjoyed with a passion.

She felt so incredibly lucky to have you. You truly loved her, she felt, and the love she received was the type of love she was willing to die for. No one had accepted her, no one had treated her with such care.

Hell, the love was enough for her to kill over. All you had to do was ask, and she'd do it.

Honestly, you probably wouldn't even have to ask. Clawdeen was sure that she'd do it for fun over you, and the thought scared her. Even she wasn't sure of the lengths she'd go for you.

The loud, ear splitting bell sounded through the halls, and she pulled the earbuds from her ears and stuffed them in her coat pocket. Then, she looked around for you in the flood of students that poured from your classroom door.

She searched over tall and short shoulders, trying her hardest to make out any small bits of (H/C) hair and a human scent. You scurried from the classroom closer to the end of the line, and began your walk to the next class.

Clawdeen dashed to keep up with you, using only your scent as guidance. She found you immediately, and she latched herself onto your arm with a smile.

You stiffened and looked back at her with a small grin. "Hey."

"Hey!" She squeaked. The memories of your previous shower together flooded her mind and drowned her face in a deep blush.

Together, you walked down the hall through stares of your peers. They seemed curious by your newfound closeness and gawked at a kiss you received from Clawdeen.

It was obvious you two were together, and the fear of judgement nipped at your heels as you walked through the separated student body. Everyone watched with deep interest as Clawdeen's hand settled neatly on your hip.

She walked with a common confidence, while you walked shyly by her side. Clawdeen was unbothered by the attention, almost enjoying it as they blinked in disbelief.

Cliques and groups gossiped amongst themselves, scaring you closer to Clawdeen's strong, protective grip. She eyed you, making sure that no one seemed disrespectful to you.

You caught a familiar group of friends from the corner of your eye, and you turned to see them fully. They approached you with an awkward eagerness.

"I-I didn't know you two were...together!" Frankie forced a smile.

"Yeah." Lagoona smiled sweetly. Her seemed more genuine to you, and you cocked your head to the side. "Congratulations!"

Clawdeen stiffened her grip on your side. "Thanks."

A passing student glared at you and Clawdeen and scoffed. "Fucking fags."

You winced as he passed, and Cleo sent him a bored glance. "Oh, please. Is this kindergarten?"

The boy rolled his eyes and stomped off with a group of students. You looked up at Clawdeen, who gritted her teeth with a hostile smile.

"So..when did this happen?" Draculaura gave you a short glance.

"Why are you so interested in our relationship?" Clawdeen snapped.

"I-I think it's sweet that you support us." You stepped between Clawdeen and Draculaura, picking up on her aggression immediately. "Thank you guys for, um, being happy for us."

"Of course." Draculaura giggled. "We support eachother! It's what we do!"

Clawdeen clamped her jaw shut. She gritted her teeth so hard they chipped, and she jerked back at the pain.

What the hell did you think you were doing? Making friends with Draculaura?

Clawdeen felt her blood heat up in jealousy. The air seemed to choke her, and sweat formed on her clenched fist.

She couldn't decide what she was more upset over, Draculaura flirting or your obliviousness.

Clawdeen pulled you away from Draculaura with a growl. "Back the fuck up."

Clawdeen held a threatening sate for a second before turning away and stomping off from you. You whimpered in panic.

"What?" Draculaura blinked.

"Uh...I-I should go after her!"

You hurried off, trying to keep up with Clawdeen's powerful strides. You gripped her arm in an attempt to get her attention. She turned around with tears in her eyes.

"Why would you do that?!" She cried out. "Why would you let her do that infront of me?!"

"Wha-?! I-I don't know what you mean!" You jumped back in defense.

"You flirted with her!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!" She wiped the tears that streamed down her face. "You know exactly what you were doing!!"

She felt herself buzz in anger. She couldn't believe you!

But what if you didn't? What if you were speaking the truth?

"I-I swear!" You whimpered. "I didn't! I promise, Clawdeen!" You looked around at the gathering students. "Why're you mad at me? I don't understand?!"

Clawdeen blinked in disbelief. You wouldn't do that. You were too good of a girl to do that. You loved Clawdeen! You wouldn't flirt!

She smiled and wiped her tears. "Okay. Let's go for pizza now instead of later."

Clawdeen turned on her heel and strutted out the school. You stayed put and ran a hand through your hair. What the actual fuck.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now