Chapter 32:

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You awoke the next morning to an empty bed and a quiet house. You hummed to yourself to create a little bit of noise. You hated the silence.

After your mind became less foggy, you stood from the bed you had only recently found comfortable. Then, you made your way to the bathroom to freshen up. You brushed your teeth and hair and washed your face, a routine that Clawdeen had instilled onto you.

After gazing at your reflection and contemplating your life, you shrugged your shoulders to mentally wipe your mind clean.

"Good morning!" You called as you walked to the kitchen. No one sat around the table, which you found strange. Usually grandma would be up cooking, or at least grandpa would be at the table waiting for breakfast.

"Guys?" You called again. No sound came. You glanced at a clock that hung on the wall and sighed. It was 9:53, someone should have been up. They did wake up early, after all.

Maybe they went out for breakfast?

You shivered, the house suddenly going cold. You weren't used to being so alone in the house, and the feeling made your skin crawl with anxiety. You were home alone for the first time since Clawdeen had forced you to run away. You tried to remember how long it had been. A month, maybe a month and a half? Your mind drew a blank, and you tried to remember the last time you were truly by yourself since the incident. Any memories became fuzzy and unavailable for you to think on, and you eventually have up your search for a memory that apparently didn't exist.

Your anxiety turned to dread, and you allowed the feeling in your gut to overpower your senses. Something was off, and you didn't want to stand around any longer. Your bedroom felt like the safest place, anyway.

You began your retreat back to your bedroom quickly. You felt as if you were losing your mind. You were alone, something you had done plenty of times before. Why were you acting so strange now?

On your way to your room, you figured you'd at least check and see if they were in their room. You knocked on the door and waited patiently. No response came.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" You called.

Still no reply.

You cautiously opened the door, expecting some gruesome sight in the room. Instead, you saw an empty room and still made bed. It were as if they hadn't been there at all.

You blinked in confusion. Surely it wasn't right!

Their conjoined bathroom door was open, and you walked to the door to open it wider. You sighed. You didn't want to see anything bad. You had no reason to believe that something had happened to them, yet you felt the anxiety grow. With a huff, you peeked your head around the corner, your brain exaggerating the situation more than normal.

You gasped loudly, unable to find your voice as you scurried from the room. You dashed to the bathroom as if something were after you. You jumped into the tub, knocking the water handle with your elbow. Ice cold water sprayed down your body, but you couldn't care. You cried loudly, hyperventilating to try and catch your breath from the panic attack you were having.

You knew Clawdeen was behind it. You knew she'd kill again, you just didn't know who. Her own grandparents, slaughtered by their granddaughter that they so mercifully took in.

You shook violently, the nerves too much for your brain to handle.

"(Y/N)? I'm home!"

You shook more. Clawdeen was back. There wasn't a chance that she wouldn't see you in distress, and her growing footsteps proved that to you. She opened the door and whined at your state. She ran to you and scooped your soaked self into her arms, ignoring that you were getting her work uniform wet.

"Oh, baby!! What happened to you?!" She cried out.

"Y-You...." You pushed away from her. "Y-YOU KILLED THEM!"

Clawdeen's face turned from worry to hatred in just a few seconds, and stared in horror at the way she stood emotionless. She grabbed you by your arms and jerked you up from the tub before shoving you down the hall.

"Look, I love you but you're really starting to piss me off." She gritted her teeth. "I let it slide the first time but now you've got to be taught."

Clawdeen shoved you back into her grandparents room before shutting the door and holding the doorknob. You became frantic as you scratched at the door and tried to open it repeatedly. You sobbed loudly and scratched through the paint on the door before eventually scratching the hard wood. The wood splintered your fingertips and dug itself beneath your nail, but the pain wasn't what you were worried about.

Images of the dead grandparents popped into your mind, and you checked behind you for a split second to make sure they hadn't risen from their eternal sleep to harm you. You screamed out and pulled on your hair. Frustration filled, and soon anger. You began to kick at the door, breaking holes into it.

"Let me out!" You demanded.

Clawdeen didn't respond.

"Please." You pleaded. "Just let me out! I'll behave!"

Still no reply.

You cried and crouched on the ground, pushing your back against the door to stare at the bodies. You wanted to make sure they didn't move. After a few hours, your eyes got heavy. A sudden shadow ran across your vision, and your eyes opened themselves again.

You weren't going to get any sleep that night, you could feel it.

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