Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - You Have No Idea...

Paul dragged me from my locker room and out of the arena. I was trying to keep my balance considering he was walking quite fast and I was still in my black heels.

'Paul, where are we going?' I asked, giggling a little.

'Like I said, it's a surprise.' I heard the smile behind his voice as he stopped in front of a rather large object. Pulling the black cover off it exposed a really nice Mercedes Benz. My eyes widened at the sight, I was instantly in love with the car.

'Why the fancy car?' I asked.

'I dunno... borrowed it from Alberto Del Rio.' Shrugging I got into the passenger seat as Paul sat in the driver's.

'You ready?' he asked.

'Yep, I think so,' chuckling a little, Paul put the keys in ignition and backed out of the parking lot of the arena. We drove around the city a little before we got on the highway, intriguing me even more.

'So how come you pulled that promo?' I turned to Paul, his focus on the road.

'Well, I was in his office before my promo and asked him to explain to me the video on this iPad I found. He basically lied to my face about it so I said a few things that I knew would touch soft spots. He stayed reasonably calm and basically told me that he wants to put Phil in a position where all he wants to do is quit. It got me angry and well, I had everything else to get off my chest so what a better time?'

'Fair enough. You know you should've seen Vince's face when you cut that promo. It would've had to been the funniest thing I'd seen since Punk cut his in 2011! Oh and the atmosphere within the superstars...' Paul laughed.

'Well that's what I was going for.'

'I must say though... Vince will come back at you with a vengeance.'

I sighed deeply. 'I know, but I'm willing to do anything to fix things, as well as get Phil back.'

'You don't have to sacrifice your job for Phil. Obviously as you know I've been working with him and he couldn't live with himself if you got fired from the WWE because of him.'

'I know... but I know that won't happen.' Paul looked at me briefly with a doubtful look, placing doubt in my mind. Sighing, I tried looking out the window to eliminate the thoughts of doubt.

It was pitch black outside, and I knew we had passed the highway because no street lights were on. It was almost ominous considering the only light came from the car and anything that I saw seemed scary. 

I had no idea where we were, and it was worrying me that I didn't know much at the moment. Paul kept driving into the darkness, and I had a little thought that maybe he didn't know where he was going.  

Emily, you need to trust Paul, I thought to myself just as we were pulling up somewhere.

It was way too dark to make any call on what it was but considering the dim lights that came from random windows, it was an apartment building.

'Here we are.'


'What's up?' Paul asked.

'Oh nothing, just umm, where are we?'

I looked at Paul as he stopped in his tracks.

'To tell you would be bad, but you've already figured out on an iPad...' I looked at him, really confused. He started walking away and I quickly ran up to him so I wouldn't lose him. He opened the door and switched on the light which was on the wall. My first thoughts of an apartment were thrown out the window because where I assumed the lobby should be was just an empty floor. Almost like an industrial type building, the floor was cement and the wall were either bricked or were covered in unfinished insulation, like the yellow, fluffy stuff they put in your roof. 

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