Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Legit. (Phil's POV)

'Must you go?' I asked Emily as she slipped the black dress back on that she wore last night. She sighed, but nodded.

'I have to. I have a match tonight and you gotta cut a promo. I'll hopefully see you later, depending if Paul can get me here.'

I ran my fingers threw my hair, already feeling like I was missing her dearly. I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled, then looking back at her with all her natural beauty. Her hair was a mess and she had no makeup on. Her pyjamas lay by my clothes on the floor, making my heart beat fast thinking why they were there... twice over.

'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' her question snapped me out of my thoughts as she seductively smirked at me as she stood with her hands on hips, looking into my eyes. I turned my head away, a blush appearing on my face.

She then sat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder, me draping my arm over her.

'I might be.' I smiled, hearing her laugh a little. She sighed largely and then got back up again, looking at me with love in her eyes. Reaching out for my hand, I grabbed it as I stood up carefully, hobbling a little but enough so I could wrap my arms around her.

'Why do you have to be so beautiful?'

'I'm not. I just try my best.'

'Are you kidding, you are the most beautiful person in the world,' she blushed as I complimented her again. She caressed my cheek just before she leaned in to kiss me, her lips telling me how much she didn't want to leave.

'I love you,' I said as I broke apart from her.

'I love you too.' Letting go of me, she grabbed her phone and walked to the door.

'I'll text you?'

'Definitely, just in case it's not safe to call. Make sure Paul gets you up here as safely and as much as he can.'

'I'll leave that to him, until then, I'll just have to look at the two rings on my finger to remember you.' Smiling, she kissed me again, slowly pulling her fingers away from mine. I watched as she walked down the hallway, feeling the distance between us already. She pushed the elevator button and quickly turned to me, blowing me a kiss.

'I'll see you at the show.' I nodded, watching her walk into the elevator and away from me. Sighing, I felt conflicted. I was so happy I spent time with her, but so depressed that she was gone. Every single inch of me screamed the fact that she was here, and now that she wasn't all I needed was her in my arms again and for her to never leave them.

Slightly hobbling, but starting to walk, I picked up my bag for tonight. It had my change of clothes for the promo, as well as ring gear that I wouldn't be using until I was cleared (by the looks of things, that will be next week). However, my storyline is so all over the place.


'Punk!' I turned around to see Vince running after me. I was on my way to see Emily before her match.

'What do you want sir? I need to handle something.'

'I need you in my office. I need to discuss the storyline, Orton and Cena will be there too.' Sighing, I nodded, walking off to quickly see Emily. It was a tradition now, I would always give her a good luck kiss and she would do the same with me. It was now an autopilot thing, it was natural.

Walking up to her and trying not to be distracted by her stunning appearance in her red ring gear, I wrapped my arms around her from behind. She quickly turned and smiled at me, looking into my eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, moving a piece of hair away from her face.

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