Chapter 28 *Part 1*

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Chapter 28 - Place. Opponent. Universe. *Part 1*

"... And as she stared behind watching as his figure walked away, the tears fell from her eyes as her heart broke. As she walked away, she heard loud, gravelly footsteps. Turning around, her smile beamed brighter than the sun. There he was."

I sat on the couch in my room in Washington D.C. as I read my favourite book 'Secrets in my Sandwich' by Emilia Rossae. As I flicked to the next page, my phone started buzzing on the bench. Walking in my fluffy socks, I picked up my phone, smiling when I saw the caller ID.

'Beth, hey!'

'Hey girl, how have you been?'

'Uh, it's been interesting at the least. How about you?'

'Yeah, I've been good. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up with me and Nattie? We're in the area for WrestleMania and it would be nice to see you. Maybe shop for Hall of Fame?'

I thought about it and I couldn't contain my happiness.

'Yeah sure! Where are you guys?'

'Well we can meet you at your hotel room if you want? As far as I was told, we're not that far away...'

'Okay, that's cool. We're at the Hilton. I'm in room 456. Can't wait to see you guys!'

'You too girl. See you soon!'

Ending the call, I did a little girly dance. I was now so excited! I was shopping with the girls, then I had Raw tomorrow. There was 2 weeks until WrestleMania, and I needed to get on that main card. John was going against the Rock in a WWE Championship match, so it just left Randy and Punk in the storyline I'm meant to be involved in. Vince also had said he wants me, Kelly and Eve at Wrestlemania, so I needed to get that to happen...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Feeling so excited, I rushed to the door. Opening it, I had a beaming smile, except it faded when I saw who was at the door.

'What do you want Eve?'

'Oh nothing, I just wanna warn you that your road to Wrestlemania ends on Monday night?'


'Yep. Vince hasn't told you?'

I shook my head. I kept my confidence, but inside I was seriously freaking out over what Eve was insinuating.

'Oh, well it's me and you in a number one contenders match for the Divas title at Wrestlemania. The stipulation? Well Kelly gets to choose.'

I thought about it, then chuckled.

'I wouldn't be laughing...' Eve flicked her hair, arrogant bitch literally screaming off her presence.

'Oh I think this is hilarious. I mean, last time you guys tried intimidating me, I recall defacing you...'

Eve glared at me, knowing that I was right. I smiled, flicking my hair mocking her just a bit.

'Well if you have nothing else to brag in fail fashion, I have a date with true friends so it would be nice if you got off my doorstep. You're scaring the bugs away with your arrogant bitch presence.'

Gasping, she stomped her foot and walked away. Shutting the door, I hysterically started laughing. I quickly changed into my yellow John Cena t-shirt, black skinny jeans and grey heeled boots, leaving my hair in it's messy bun. Applying a little makeup, I heard another knock at the door.

'Who is it?' I yelled out as I put my phone in my back pocket.

'Em, it's us. Open up.' I recognised the voice anywhere. Opening the door, I lept out and hugged Beth and Nattie. I was the happiest girl alive right now; I had my best friends.

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