Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Blind Rage, Viper Style

I made sure I was calm and collected as I walked back up the ramp towards the locker rooms, when in all reality I was ready to kill someone. 

I understand EVERYTHING about the rivalry and all, but if you know me, then you would know that you do not under any circumstances take my Divas Championship. And for Kelly and Eve to have done that, I was ready to murder them. Roughly opening the curtains, I saw Phil standing there, as if he was awaiting my arrival. 

'Emily...' was all he said. I felt the anger boil up and the tension built in my stomach and my throat, and without saying another word I burst. I ran right past Phil and towards madness it would seem. People looked at me weirdly, but I seriously had no idea why, I was just running towards Kelly's and Eve's locker room. I stopped abruptly as I reached their door, rolling my neck around feeling the anger in me. 

People started gathering, and I felt a camera in my presence. Curse Vince and his stupid storyline I thought. Just as I was about to open the door, I felt two strong hands turn me right around so I was facing them. His arms were heavily tattooed and he was wearing his Viper shirt and his wrestling trunks. His boots were laced and his wrists were thickly wrapped in black tape. His eyes narrowed like I always remembered them to, but I could also see the pleading in them. 

Just like that day when he kidnapped me. I shook my head of the memory and finally began to focus on the man in front of me. Randy Orton. 

'Em?! What the hell are you doing?' he asked, the concern in his voice. Randy knew my anger better than anyone, why? Well, if you've been friends with him as long as I have, then you begin to inherit his Viper assets. And well, it seems to appear as if we both shared the same rage, the same traits.

We were both vipers.

Except whenever my viper was unleashed, mine was blind. And I never knew what the hell I was doing until after I done it. After all the damage was done. 

Coming to my senses a little, I smirked slightly at Randy. 'I'm getting my championship back, what does it look like?' I asked. He sighed, but then discretely leaned in so he could whisper in my ear. 

'I know you. Your viper is being unleashed. Please try and calm down, because the look on your face looks as if you're going to murder those girls. And as much as everyone wants to see you do it, remember that you only realise what you have done until after the damage is done.' 

I looked at Orton in understanding as he pulled away. Gesturing to the crowd that they could leave, Orton hugged me, and I hugged back. But I knew that nothing he could say would stop me from ripping Kelly and Eve's heads off. 

'Orton, I'm sorry...' I cried. He looked at me confused. 

'Sorry for what?' He asked, worry in his eyes as realisation came over him. 

'Sorry for THIS!' I cried, kicking Kelly and Eve's locker room door down. The girls looked freaked at first, but then smirked evilly as they realised who had coming knocking (well, kicking) at their door. I quickly glanced at Orton, who was shocked. But he then bowed his head, glancing back at me giving me the same viper look I possessed inside my soul. He was telling me the same thing the voices in my head were. 

Get back your championship and rip them to shreds in the process. 

'Emily! We've been expecting you!' cried Eve, who had the championship around her shoulder. I shivered as she kissed it mockingly, the rage still boiling hot inside of me. 

'Give me my championship back. Right now.' I stated, the anger kissing the tense atmosphere I had created. I knew the camera was still on me, and I heard the crowd re-gather. I didn't want to know if Phil was with the crowd, because if he was, I knew he wouldn't like what I had planned. 

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