Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - The New Normal...?

'Emily...?' I turned my gaze to Beth and Nattie who were sitting next to my bed, concern painted all along their faces. It seemed like they were calling my name several times, except I couldn't hear it I was too busy in depth with my thoughts. 

2 days ago, I was brought into the hospital after... the ambush. I swallowed down tears for what felt like the millionth time today. I think Nattie saw my eyes glisten so she grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly, smiling slightly as it hurt whenever I did, and not because my face was at all hurt. 

It was because I lost the ability to smile. 

Now that Phil was gone, I seriously had lost sight of life. It's moments like these where you realise exactly what you had because it's gone; the only difference being I never took him for granted, and his sudden disappearance was killing me softly. 

'Sorry girls, I was just -' 

'Thinking? We know Em, it's okay.' Beth gave me a smile, which showed that she understood, except there was a lot of sorrow too, which didn't make my stomach which churned with sickworthy anxiety any better. I sighed and lay my head back into the pillow, turning my head towards the girls. 

'So how's the WWE?' I asked. 

'Em! You are a workaholic! You've been away for 2 days, and you're such the dedication that 2 days is a lifetime!' Nattie laughed a little, which made me chuckle a little. What she did say was true. 

'Well, anyway... answer it anyway.' 

'Yeah, it's good. Punk was around...' Beth instantly stopped and placed her hand over her mouth, knowing that was she said she had no intention of doing so. I shot up in bed, a slight pain my ribs as I did so. My eyes widened and hope filled my veins for the first time since the last time I saw Phil. If he was back, I would be able to see him, and everything would be okay. I smiled brightly at Beth and I almost felt as if I resembled a little girl. 

'Phil! Oh my god, that's awesome! I hope I get out of here soon, so I can see him!' I cried in joy. I stopped however, seeing that Beth and Nattie didn't resemble the same joy. 

'What's wrong? This is a good thing!' I cried. Beth just looked at me. 

'Em, he's changed. We have no idea where he's been over the past few days but whereever it was, it's changed him.' Beth started. 

'He pranced into the arena in Los Angeles yesterday with his belt and completely ignored everyone. The only person he spoke to was Vince and ... ' Nattie sighed for a while before she said anything. 

'And...? Who?' I asked. 

'Paul Heyman.' 

My eyes widened and I went back into my deflated position in bed, feeling the hope going from skyrocketing levels to minimal levels, all the joy being sucked out of me. All I knew about Paul Heyman is that he had quite the manipulative attitude. He's been working with Brock Lesnar recently, and things haven't been too good. Poor A.J. has been getting a bad time off him as well. 

'But why would Phil be talking to Paul Heyman?' I asked, truly curious. Phil never told me about turning heel, so it couldn't be that. He also never told me that having a manager was apart of his storyline as well. Beth and Nattie shrugged their shoulders, the same confusion in their eyes. I was about to say something when the nurse came in. 

'Emily!' Just doing a quick check and then you can go.' I smiled a little, feeling genuinely happy I was able to go back to the WWE with the girls. Beth and Nattie smiled at me in delight as the nurse looked at my sliced open arm and assessed the recent x-ray on my ribs. 

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