Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Bring It On.

I spent a week in Chicago. I needed to clear my head completely of anything that was troubling it. I knew a week a home would do just that.

John ended up travelling back to New York for a house show two days after getting here. It's safe to say I miss my best friend. Without John, I wouldn't be in Chicago.

I was preparing to go back to Boston where everyone was, and it was safe to say I was really scared about leaving. I packed at small bag of new clothes I wanted to take on the road, trying to delay going back as much as possible.

'Em?' I heard a knock at the door, it was my mum. Smiling, I turned back to my packing, mum coming to sit on the bed next to me.

'Hey mum.'

'Hey... I wanna talk to you.' I stopped in my tracks, knowing this was serious. Packing could wait. Shoving it to the side, I sat next to my mum and looked up at her eagerly.


'I've been thinking about what's been going on with you, and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to bring it up, but it's serious stuff...' she sighed. I nodded in agreement.

'But, that doesn't phase me. I need to know if you're okay.'

Her face was soft, but her eyes serious. Her beautiful, brown eyes (I got my blue ones from my dad) looked at me in worry. I sighed and placed my hand on her knee.

'Mum. Truly? I'm not okay. I have 3 guys after me, 2 sluts on my trail, and the inevitability that I'm going to get involved in things I don't want to. On top of that, my love life is confusing as hell and my boss is horrible.' I said it as calmly as possible. It was all true. She needed to know the truth.

'What are you going to do?'

'What do you mean?'

'What are going going to try and fix?'

I looked down at my hands. I never really thought about it.

'Well... umm...'

I looked up at mum as sighed.

'Well, I can't tell you what to do, but I do know that there are a few issues you have there that you could take advantage of... especially with a couple of weeks till a certain event...?'

Why was my mum so awesome? I thought. This was why I came home...

'I love you mum, and thankyou!' I leaped into her arms as she laughed, stroking my hair.

'I love you too Em, I know you'll do what's right.' Sitting up again, I looked at mum and smiled. I grabbed one last thing and placed it in my bag, zipping it up and throwing it over my shoulder. Making sure I had everything else, I walked out into where my dad was sitting reading something about the Chicago Bulls.


His gaze snapped up and his eyes glowed seeing me. I walked over and sat with him. He put his paper down and took his glasses off.

'How are you Em?'

'I'm alright. I don't really wanna leave.'

'We don't want you going again either.'

'I know...' I sighed. Dad draped his hand over mine.

'Promise me one thing Em?' I nodded.

'Don't give up. I know you can make something good of the bad, and with Wrestlemania season being now... why not stir up some shit?'

I smiled, hugging my dad. I picked up my bag again just as mum came into the room.

'Love you guys, see you really soon. You're still coming to Wrestlemania right?' I asked.

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