Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - My Adam & Me...

Waking up in his arms, it was a bittersweet sensation. I loved being surrounded by the safety of him; I loved being able to take a huge first breath in the morning of his scent, calming my senses.

I loved waking up with him because he was my husband and nothing would beat this feeling.

But I knew that I'd have to leave soon. Shuffling anxiously, I sighed, gently unraveling myself from Phil. Grabbing my things, I wrapped them on my arms and opened the front door. I know it was bad of me, but I knew leaving like this would make it easier.

'You leaving already?' I turned around, startled. Phil stood there, an upset look in his eye. I relaxed my shoulders and placed my things down.

'I was trying to make it easier on the both of us. If I stayed around, it would've been harder to leave you again.'

'I know, I understand. You still gonna leave now?' he asked, a hopeful tone in his voice. My heart wrenched and my stomach churned as I looked at him, already feeling alone internally. Nodding, I picked my things up again and stood closer to Phil.

'I'll miss you.' I said. Caressing my cheek, he leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine. He sighed heavily and rested his forehead on mine, our noses brushing together.

'I'll miss you more.' Phil held the door open more as I turned around to leave. Walking away, I allowed my thoughts to silence themselves. My mind went blank and I just stared with an empty look at the world around me. Seeing the car Paul left me in the parking lot, I put my things in the front seat and started the car, driving away once again from my husband.

The lonely feeling definitely set in as I knew I was far away from him, and it wasn't the prettiest feeling. Playing 'Unwanted' by Avril Lavigne, I focused my thoughts on my work, and I tried so very hard not to think of Phil at all. It was time that I divided my thoughts and tried keeping my personal life away from business, despite it's almost impossibility.

Getting up to my hotel room, I dropped my things onto the couch and jumped into my bed, rolling over and shutting my eyes for the slightest second. I didn't realist how mentally tired I was until I drifted to sleep a second after I closed my eyes. What felt like 10 seconds later, I was woken by a soft shake. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by another pair that was very familiar to me.

'Adam!' I cried, snapping awake and launching into his awaiting arms.

'Hey Em, how are you?' he asked, the smile evident on his face.

'I'm good, how are you? How'd you get here?'

'Yeah I'm pretty good and I was passing through and I heard you have a show in Toronto for Raw next week. I was wondering if you wanted to come stay with me...?'

'Oh my gosh, yes! I'd love that! I have a show in Salt Lake City tomorrow, but after that, I'm free.' I smiled, feeling less and less stressed the more Adam stuck around.

'Awesome! Well pack your stuff, we'll leave soon.' Nodding, I ran around the room like a little kid packing everything up. In about 20 minutes, my 4 suitcases all sat in a line at the door. Adam sat at the bench, an iced coffee in hand as he watched me hurry around. I stopped at the kitchen bench opposite him, packing my keys, sunglasses and phone into my new bag I got from the mall in San Fransisco.

'You ready now?' I nodded eagerly. Adam grabbed two of my bags and started walking out the door, me in follow. We remained silent until we got to his car, where I threw everything in the back and got into the passenger seat.

For most of the trip, it was different conversations between the two of us; Adam had told me how he had been, re-living some of our craziest memories and making predictions that the WWE writing team wouldn't ever dream of thinking up. After a while, Adam sighed.

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