Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Home

I was woken by a light shake of my shoulder.

Rolling over, I breathed in the blanket that was over me; it smelled of lavender. My mum's favourite scent. Blinking my eyes open faster than ever, I locked eyes with one of the most important people in my life. She looked so beautiful, eventhough I was being biased. Her smile shined as bright as the rays of the sun cracking through the window and I smiled even wider. Launching into her arms, I hugged her tight, feeling tears form in my eyes.

I never really truly knew how much I missed my mum until I saw her after days and months on the road.

'How are you Em?' she asked me in the voice that I missed so much.

'I'm better now... so much better.' My voice cracked a little as a tear escaped my eye. Mum released her grip on me and looked at me, caressing my face as she wiped the tear from my eye. Smiling for what felt like the first time in forever, I just kept looking at the amazing woman in front of me. We didn't need to say anything to each other. We've been through this before and the atmosphere whenever we were together again said it all; all the love was on the table, in the air, right in front of us.

Looking around as I rubbed my eyes, I realised I was in my bed. I crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion as I realised that last time I remembered, I was in the car on the freeway on my way to Chicago... with John Cena. Sighing, I turned back to my mum who watched my every move. She did that whenever she missed me.

'Who brought me up here?' I asked her. The grin that spread on her face said it all, and I sighed with a smile.

'John Cena did.' She giggled like a teenage girl. She always had a crush on him ever since the first time she met him at a house show in Chicago. Ever since then, she wouldn't shut up about him any time I came home.

'Is he still around?' I asked, kinda hoping he was.

'In the guest room, getting some sleep. You've been sleeping for a while so I'm told.'

'How long?'

'Cena says you fell asleep around 3, and well it's 12 now.' I hit my palm to my forehead. I never liked sleeping in for huge amounts of time, however that was just a habit of mine - if I was on the road, I don't like sleeping for very long.

Sighing, I felt more tears again. God, I've never been this emotional coming home, ever.

'Em, are you okay?' I looked up at my mum and felt more tears form. I think the reason why I was home in the first place was getting to me and I was realising that I had to finally deal with everything. Still feeling slightly bruised from The Shield's attack, I moved slowly and got up, wiping more tears away.

'Everything is so fucked up mum. I don't know why or how I'm at all involved in this, but I'm stuck in a situation that is ripping me to shreds.' A few tears fell down my cheek and I felt my mum hug me from behind.

'It's okay Emily, everything will be okay. Come to the kitchen, dad and Toby are there waiting for you, they have pancakes...?' I turned around to look at mum and I smiled. Looking down at my clothes, I still realised I had my ring gear on. As my mum walked out of the room, I quickly stripped down and back up into flannelette pyjama pants with hearts on them and a white t - shirt. I walked down the hallway lined with pictures, full of the memories of my life until I reached the kitchen. The smell was awesome. It was choclate chip pancakes with the slight scent of maple syrup and cream, as well as a variety of fruits. It reminded me of the breakfast I used to have every single time I came home when I trained to become a diva. I turned my attention from the smell to the people that were sitting at the table making small talk, laughing just like I remembered.

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