Chapter 17

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Back to Emily's POV now :)


Chapter 17 - Promise This.

I paced my hotel room, waiting for Paul to come and get me. I had been in my hotel room only for 20 minutes, but as soon as I got in I threw everything in place and instantly started pacing, trying to keep moving.

My nerves were through the roof. Someone knew about Phil and I and it freaked me out not knowing who. I knew it was someone to do with Vince's conspiracy who must be spying on me, but the thing that sucked was that I still had no idea who was apart of it. It was like I couldn't trust anyone, not even anyone that I was 100% certain was on my side.

I hated this feeling so much, all I wanted to do was go back in a time machine and make things go back to normal. I hated the uncertainty of everything, I hated knowing people were out to get me, I hated knowing I wasn't able to be with the one I loved.

I glanced at my phone, trying to distract myself from the thoughts making my stomach churn. A knock at the door instantly rose my already fast heart beat and I walked over, opening it to greet Paul Heyman and his friendly face. Tonight, however it was panicked. Who couldn't blame him though? He took the bullet for Phil and I.

'You ready?' I asked him.

'Yep, but we gotta do something first.' He stated, shutting the door behind me. He opened the little bag he had over his shoulder and passed me a dark, heavy jacket with a hood on it. He also passed me a pair of thick black sunglasses.

Paul also did the same with himself, disguising himself as well.

'On a normal day, I'd ask if this was necessary but I can see why you're doing this.'

'Trust me Em, for the past hour I've been asking myself the same thing, but I know this will keep everyone out of shit.' Nodding, he opened the door, ready to leave.

'You ready now?' he asked me.

Grabbing my phone and sliding it in my back pocket, I nodded.

'Let's go see my husband.' I smiled. Paul stood back so I could walk out the door, and as soon as I took a step, my anxiety kicked in. All I could hope and wish for is that no one saw us, and if they did they didn't think it was us.

The time taken to get to the abandoned warehouse/apartment was a silent one. Paul seemed nervous and I was beyond anxious. Getting there, I think I sprinted into the building, feeling myself need to get to Phil. Paul followed behind a little breathless from the running.

'Someone's a little excited?' he asked, trying to catch his breath. I nodded, smiling a little bit.

'I need to be with him. I can't explain why or how, I just need to be.' Paul

nodded in understanding and pressed the up button on the elevator.



I paced the hallway, waiting for the elevator doors to open. I checked my phone; 12:37am. I sighed, feeling the anxiety get to me.

I needed Emily here with me, I don't care how, I just needed her here.

Then out of the blue, my head snapped up at the sound of the elevator opening and out sprinted Emily. I smiled in elation, suddenly a wave of relief washed over me as she sprinted in my direction. Stopping in front of me, I opened my arms and wrapped her in them, squeezing her lightly and she brushes her thumb gently on my back. I kissed her forehead as she looked up at me, and I could see the love in her eyes, as well as the uncertainty that made her just as nervous as me.

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