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Okay so, hello... ah, my name is Nali, well my full name is latina. Just kidding, just kidding, it's actually Nalilana, and I'm not latina, I'm actually black.

( A/N: I'm just gonna say, the reason I have that name is because I was listening to Block B's song, NalinA and yeah, they also did that song in the BTS vs Block B battle which is just legendary )

I like people calling me Nali, it's just easier to pronounce.

Let me start off with me, hm... I have an older brother... I'm also in college, I'm 21 years old and I'm in my 4th year. I'll be turning 22 in a few months.

As for my sibling, my older brother is named Izzak, he's 26. He also has a girlfriend, her name is Kim Eunha, but damn is she annoying, the only reason their dating is because of her mother, she's like... a plastic fork. She's always complaining, she's lazy, and to top all that off, she cheats on my brother which is why I hate being around her. My family hates her also.

I also live in Seoul, South Korea. My family moved there when I turned... either four or five.

I'm also doing quite good in college so far, I have good grades, ah.. I'm smart I guess because if I wasn't, I wouldn't have topped my classes. I also go to parties when I have the time to, if I'm not finished studying then yeah, I'm not going there.

I barely have any friends at that college, yes, I socialize but I wouldn't say their friends because most of everyone there is fake, and if they aren't fake then they just don't talk to me, I don't know why so I just don't have friends, just acquaintances.

Do you know how there are dorms at colleges? Well, I don't live in them, I live in a apartment that's close to the college, it's walking distance.

Alot of people also assume that I'm bisexual... there's nothing wrong with being bisexual but people just assume because when I was beside somebody, I mumbled 'she's hot...', and I was looking at a girl that came through the class. The person beside me basically just told everyone and they don't think I'm lesbian so they are guessing I'm bisexual and here I am, sitting there like... can I not say when a girl is hot?

But yeah, that rumour has been going around for a whole damn year.

Anyways, that's enough about my rant, let me tell you about the world I live in because I can tell you one thing... it's interesting.

In this world, there's a such thing as hybrids... well hybrid felines, hybrid cats, whatever you want to call them.

It's not like those fanfics or whatever when scientists find them, then experiment on them, no, these hybrids are gods to some people and they are not to be harmed.... even though barely anybody see's them.

Basically, these hybrids go into hiding, I don't know why nor will I probably ever know but if you do see one, then they are attached to someone.

You're probably confused right now so let me explain, the hybrids do this thing when they see a human, they feel an immediate connection to them and they stay with them.

When the hybrid feels the connection, the human does also but it comes gradually, it's hard not to have feelings for each other though, and I mean really hard, which is why when hybrids have that connection with that one person, they end up dating, married, etc. some even have children which produces halfblooded hybrids which is why I think some hybrids go into hiding, I think they go into hiding with their human and child then they protect them.

Sometimes, colleges bring willing hybrids into their building and they go into some classes to pick out their human but it's a low chance, it barely happens but some hybrids just try. Some humans also don't have hybrid soulmates, you'd be very lucky if you had one, well, that's what the girls say at my college because they think all feline hybrids are hot for some reason.

So yeah, that's it... and my intro.


- Nalilana

- Loves her body

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- Loves her body

- Loves History

- Loves nutella... maybe too much.

- Loves going into the woods

- Likes to binge watch movies with Izzak

- Wants to be a deer

- Loves baby chickens


- Izzak

- Manager of TyroveKimLabels

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- Manager of TyroveKimLabels

- Bisexual

- Loves Nutella but not as much as Nali

- Goes to Nalilana's apartment just to annoy her sometimes

- Loves to sleep

- Has a pet rabbit

- Loves the moon


Hello guys! I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat, Author, or anything you want!

I hope you all enjoyed the Intro of 'Kitten' and I already know that yall know that Eunha is gonna cause problems in this story but what is a story without a few problems?

Anyways, i'll see you all in Chapter 1! <33

- Katherine

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