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After I came back into my right mind, I'm just pacing back and forth as Jimin is sitting on the couch, just looking at me.

"So basically, you imprinted on me? Like some Twilight shit?" I asked and he chuckled.

"It's actually not like twilight. A feline hybrid can only imprint on their soulmate and when the feline imprints, it wants other hybrids that the human is claimed already. Imprinting also makes your feeling for me grow even more."

Jimin explained and I sighed, then Jimin smirked as he got up from the couch and headed towards me, causing me to furrow my brows.

"Did you feel that one feeling? Of happiness, warmth, thrill, comfort... and more importantly... lust?"

He asked as he came closer to me, causing me to back up against the wall.

He put his hands on both sides of my head, is this a kdrama or sum?

"Back away from me." I whined and he raised a brow as his head got closer, until his mouth gazed across my ear. His tail swished back and forth and his ears slightly touched my head.

"Your really gonna decline me aren't you? You know you can't..." He purred and my breath hitched.

"Are you getting chills right now? Do you have a feeling of excitement?" He asked and my heart beat quickened.

He came closer to my ear and started to slightly nibble on it, causing me to whine a little.

Jimin went down my ear and stopped as my neck. He started to kiss and suck on it, causing me to do a low moan. No matter how much I tried to hide it, I enjoyed this.

He soon stopped what he was doing then put one last kiss on my neck before nuzzling his head into my neck where he was just kissing.

"Why are you so silent?" He asked, vibrations going onto my neck and down to my heart.

"Because I'm guessing you just gave me a hickey... I'm kinda speechless." I sighed and he chuckled, low vibrations going on my neck again.

"Why are you suddenly seducing me.." I whined and I felt him smirk.

"So your saying that you think I'm sexy, that's basically what your saying." He said and I nibbled on my lip.

"And I'm seducing you because one, felines are very flirty to their soulmates and two, I love you.. I know it's kinda soon but that's normal for felines and their soulmates."

He said as he removed himself from my neck and looked up at me, his golden white eyes going deep into my soul... but in a good way.

"Do you feel it now?" Jimin asked as he continued to stare into my eyes, his eyes are.. so captivating..

It feels like my heart is levitating... It kinda feels like when your going down a rollercoaster, that feeling that your about to puke but it's such... a strange but addictive feeling.

I feel like that now... and I don't wanna look away...

"Yep, Im feelin it." I mumbled as I continued to stare into his eyes as his lips curved into a smile.. which I find adorable.

"I'm glad." He said as he backed away from my body then I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"So, what do you want to do?" Jimin asked and I grinned.

"Sleep." I said and he chuckled as he picked me up bridal style, causing me to yelp at the sudden action.


I giggled as he carried me to my room and sat me on the bed then he curled up beside me, spooning me. His tail wrapping around my leg as he buried his head into my neck.

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