T W E N T Y - O N E

637 23 9

The plane landed. I'm wide awake while Jimin is half asleep.

We both got off the plane, walking behind my family. Jimin slowly dragged his feet behind me as he rubbed his eyes.

The sunlight beamed in his eyes which made him squint.

"Oli will be here to pick us up soon." My mom said and my eyes brows furrowed at the unfamiliar name.

"Who's Oli?" I asked and Izzak chuckled.

"A friend of mine from down here." He said and I nodded.

"So.... He's old. Like you?" I asked and he scoffed.

"I'm not old, your age isn't even far from how old I am." Izzak said and I rolled my eyes.


. . .

And with that....

Izzak launched his fists at me.

• • •

After my mom finally broke us up, Izzak had a bruised eye and cheek while I only had a scratch on my lip.

Jimin and I sat on a bench at the airport as he stitched the bruise.

"It's fine, it's only a small scar.." I mumbled as I tried to push his hands away but failed.

His hands stop moving and he looked straight at me.

Without talking, he kissed me.

Jimin pulled away before I could even protest.

"Stop talking please." Jimin said before going back to stitching.

I stared at his features as his eyes stayed on my lips.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Jimin smirked and I raised a brow.

I took my phone out and went straight to my camera.


Jimin looked up when he heard that sound and saw my phone in my hand then chuckled.

"You said I should take a picture." I smiled and he put down his hands as he laughed. His golden white eyes shut and turned into crescents which I found cute so..

I took another picture.

"My gosh, I can't believe I have a fangirl now." He said and I snickered.

"By the way, can you speak English?" I asked and Jimin looked at me.

"Kind of but not well." Jimin said and I nodded.

"I probably won't talk much in English." Jimin said before sighing.

"Okay, I'm done, let's go." He grinned and I nodded as we both got up from the bench and went back to where my family stood.

Soon enough, a guy came our way and Izzak immediately smiled.

Well... I had expected one but there were two.

 I had expected one but there were two

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