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Jimin Pov.


I just arrived at the store.... to get Nali something.

I don't even know what to get if you want me to be honest... she could have any kind of sickness.

Nali could have stomach flu, food poisoning, a virus, or... she could be pregnant..


I went in the store and went to the medication isle...

I literally put every single medication that results in puking into my cart.

I was gonna go to the register but I accidently bumped into someone with my cart, causing them to fall backwards...

"Aish, I'm so sorry about that.." I mumbled as I went to go give her a hand.

"Don't worry, it's fine." She said as she got up from the ground.

I noticed when she looked at me, her cheeks and ears turned red.. welp.

I sighed before going back to my cart and going straight for the register. My tail swayed side to side as I did and I could feel the strange girls eyes linger on me for a bit but I sure as hell wasn't gonna turn around.

I went to the register where a male worker was there.

"This is alot of medicine.." He mumbled as he scanned everything.

"Yep, my... girlfriend is puking and it's kinda late to go to the hospital, she's probably really tired by now..." I mumbled. I also really need to talk to Nali about what we are...

Are we dating? I don't even know..

"I hope everything is well." The man said as he put everything into a bag and gave it to me.

I then gathered all the bags and left the store.

I then started to walk down the sidewalk with bags in my hand because I didn't bring a car with me.

But... I heard light footsteps behind me.

I sighed before turning around and guess who I saw?

"Why are you following me?" I asked, raising a brow as the strange girl started to walk side by side with me.

"My apartment is this way..." She mumbled and I sighed.

This girl... Aish.

"So.... what's your name?" The girl asked and I didnt even spare a glance to her because I sincerely.... Didn't care.

"That's not important to you." I simply said and she nodded.

"Well... I'm Ryulin." She said and I didn't even respond.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I'm being loyal to Nali.

"Okay listen, could you please leave me alone? I have no interest in talking to you. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I just don't want to talk to you." I explained to her and she sighed.

"Well... Why don't you want to talk to me? It's not bad to have a friend... or even more..." She mumbled and I mentally groaned.

"That's the problem, I have a girlfriend, I don't want to be your friend and I definitely don't want anything more." I said and she swiped a tongue across her lips then looked down.

I sighed in relief as I started to pick up my pace and leave her behind.

People just get on my nerves sometimes..

Yes, I used to sleep around and it was clear that she either wanted a one night stand with me or wanted a full relationship.

Ever since I even met Nali, those feelings of wanting to sleep around was completely gone. The pain of being cheated on by my fiance was gone.

All the hurt that was in the past is gone... Well, of course, I'm still salty with my brother but eh, that's not gonna change.

I owe everything to Nali...

My life...



And Love...


Hello! I hope you enjoyed Jimins Pov.!

A full chapter will be the next chapter, I probably won't be doing the two chapters of pov.'s for a while now but I probably will be doing it in this book again.

So yeah, I hope you vote and comment!!

Bye~ ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

- Katherine

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