822 27 5

2:46 am.


My eyes fluttered open as I heard noises.

My nose scrunched as I looked around to see myself in a empty bed.

I slowly got up while rubbing my eyes, I picked my phone up off the nightstand and I saw that it was 2:47 am.

I internally whined as I left through my bedroom door that was wide open.

I went to the living room and... I saw Taehyun, Felix, and Jimin all talking on the couch.

"What in the world.." I mumbled and their cat ears twitched before they all looked at me. Taehyun was the first one to grin.

"Hey Nali!" He said and Jimin lightly smiled while looking at my sleepy state.

"What in the world are y'all doing..." I said as I walked and sat on the couch.

"Felix is a Yulin Feline!" Taehyun suddenly said and my eyes furrowed as I looked at Felix. Now I'm wide awake.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked and Felix raised a brow.

"I told you I was important and I literally said I was gonna tell you today." Felix said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going back to bed." I mumbled as I got up from the couch.

I was gonna walk away but I suddenly felt a hand on my arm and I pulled back. I suddenly collided with someone's chest and I looked up to see that it was Jimins.

"I need go to college later, I need to sleep." I whined and he just wrapped his arms around me.

"You can drink coffee... or you could just not go." Jimin said and I looked up at him.

"It's my last year, I'm gonna go to every single lesson, the only time I won't go is if I'm sick." I simply said and he smirked.

"Then I guess you're sick then." He said and I exhaled through my nose.

"Just let me get up, I won't go but I'm sleepy right now." I whined and he chuckled.

"There's nothing stopping you from going to sleep right now." He said and my eyes narrowed at him.

I didn't say anything else, I just sighed before laying my head on his chest.

"There you go, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked as he lightly kissed the top of my head.

"That's just couple goals right there." I heard Felix said and I could feel Jimins sending him death glares even though I'm not even looking at him.

"Welp, time to go back into her head, Taehyun." Felix said and before you knew it. They both left.

My eyes soon fluttered shut as Jimin ran his fingers through my curly hair.


Jimin Pov.

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