T H I R T Y - O N E

378 15 4

I laid peacefully on the couch, Jimin wrapped around my waist.

His head was buried into my stomach. Now... any other person would have thought we were sleeping but we're wide awake, unable to sleep.

Jimin and I agreed to get his collar tomorrow morning.

The reason why he wants this collar is because he just likes the idea of having one. I was gonna agree but I wanted him to beg which made me decline and that lead to that war.

Jimins purrs were the only thing heard throughout the apartment.

But that soon ended when the loud ass doorbell suddenly rang. Jimin and I both flinched, causing us to both fall off the couch.

The doorbell continued to ring which made me groan as I got up.

I went to the door and I was gonna say 'what' but I was interrupted by the person suddenly barging in, shutting the door behind.

"What the hell?" I asked as Jimin got up from the floor and his brows furrowed at the panting person in front of us.

I then noticed who this person is... it's the guy who was outside the hotel.

"Why the hell are you here?" I asked as he catched his breath.

Jimin looked at me and raised a brow, causing me to put my hands up in defense.

"I saved him from a woman so I could sit in peace." I said and Jimin muttered something as he looked back at the guy.

"About that... the same woman is chasing me down, I'm gonna need to stay here for a bit.." The man said as he scratched his head and my eyes widened.

"Oh hell no, you said you didn't need my help." I said as I went back to the couch and sat down.

The guy sighed as he looked at me, then looked at Jimin.

"Don't look at me, I agree with Nali." Jimin said and the guy huffed.

"Come on Nali person, do me a favor." He whined and my lips pursed.

"Well for one, I don't even know your name, two-"

"My name is Ji-hyuk." He interrupted and my eyes narrowed.

"And two, I have literally no reason to let you stay, you said you didn't want any help so I'm just following what came from your mouth." I said and he scoffed.

"Well, I take it back. Besides, I'll pay. 300 won per day." Ji-hyuk said and I raised a brow.

"500 and you have to buy my groceries." I said and Ji-hyuk grinned.

"Deal." He said as he held out his hand.

Before I could seal the deal, Jimin shook his hand instead of me and I chuckled.

"Deal." Jimin said before taking his hand away then putting germ x on it.

( A/N: By the way, this is what Ji-hyuk looks like. )


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