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Nali Pov.

I woke up light kisses on my hand. I slowly fluttered my eyes open as I lightly whined.

I looked up to see Jimins soft eyes staring at me intently.

"Hi." I whispered as I shut my eyes again. I'm also currently sleeping on his... abs right now. His tail is wrapped around my waist.

"Last night was amazing." He purred into my ear and I looked at him.

"You were faking you heat, weren't you?" I smirked as I raised as brow, his eyes widened.

"How did you know?" Jimin asked and I sighed.

"When I started considering your request, it was suspicious when you wasn't acting like you were hurt." I said and he chuckled.

"Ah.. well yeah, it was fake." He whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked because it's also Monday and I need to get to college.

"It's 4:25 am. I know you have college." He said and I nodded as I slowly got up from my bed. I looked back at him and my eyes widened as I saw him move the covers away from him... revealing Jimin Jr.

"What the hell, why did you remove the damn covers." I whined as I shielded my eyes and he chuckled.

"One, you've already seen it, and two, you're also naked." He pointed out and my eyes widened as I went straight to my bathroom.

I sighed as I ran the shower water.

I opened the glass door and got inside. I ran four fingers through my brown, curly hair as warm water hit it.

The shower door soon opened and my brows furrowed as Jimin stepped inside and I screamed, I also shielded my womanhood and breasts.

"Yah!! Get out!" I said and he raised a brow as he looked me up and down.

"I don't get why your freaking out right now." He purred as his tail swished side to side.

"Get out for god sakes, let me take a shower in peace!" I whined. He's also naked right now and Jimin Jr. is standing high and mighty.

"Nah, I'd rather stay here, I could bathe you if you'd like." He winked and my eyes widened.

"I'm done, that's it." I sighed as I was gonna leave but he was blocking the door.

"Move." I said and he grinned.

"Say please~" He said and my eyes narrowed.

"Please." I said and his grin widened as he moved out the way. I sighed as I left the shower then wrapped a white towel around my body.

"Could you get me one also, baby?" He asked and my lips pursed

"Hell no." I said as I left the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me then locked it so that Jimin couldn't come in.

I then picked out some clothes from my closet.

I was gonna pick out an outfit but my door busted open to reveal none other than... Jimin.

"Yes and how did you even get in?" I asked as I raised a brow as I noticed an outfit in his hand.

"Here, I had got this for you." He said as he handed me the red outfit and avoided my question.

"Okay, leave please so I can change." I said and he grinned as he left the room.

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