T H I R T Y - F I V E

303 11 2

A few months later...

Nali Pov.



It's refreshing to know that I'm gonna be twenty two tomorrow.

Do you wanna know why it's so refreshing? It's because it's a reminder that I'm gonna be graduating soon.

I've been anticipating it this whole time.

I've been doing good with work also. College is good, work is good, and things between Jimin and I are good.

But we have been wondering about what Seokjin had told us a few months ago.

If somebody did want to kidnap me, wouldn't they have done it already?

That thought has been flashing through my mind for months.

But I tried not to think about it.

Jimin and I kind of have been avoiding the topic.. but it's still there.

I also haven't seen Seokjin ever since he told me and Jimin about what his so called friend said.

Jimin hasn't seen him either..

But he left a note saying that he wasn't kidnapped or anything.

Felix and Taehyun are also back in my lives. They actually just sleep on the couch now.

Taehyun has been out of my mind a lot more which is refreshing.

But I think Felix doesn't plan on going on any kind of trip anymore.

I don't know why, he just doesn't talk about it.

I'm trying to catch you up on everything that has been happening these past few months so I might as well mention Hye-jin.

I haven't seen her.

I don't know what she's doing, I've tried to text her, but they went straight to read.

Maybe she just doesn't want to talk right now, I don't even know.

I'm just gonna give her some time.

I think that's the best option.

• • •

I looked at the teacher as she talked about the upcoming graduation ceremony.

Some people were paying attention, some people weren't.

The person beside me was doodling in his book.

The teacher was gonna say something else but the bell had rung which had interrupted her speech.

Everybody got up from their desks and went straight out the door, not giving the teacher a chance to even speak.

I understand though, this was the last class and a lot of people want to go home.

I went to my locker and put my books in there.

"Hello Nali baby." My lips went into a straight line when those words left a certain someone's mouth.

I turned around and I saw the familiar guy who I see almost everyday.


He's been hanging around me ever since January, and I have no idea why.

He usually gives me coffee, snacks, just anything.

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