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Kang Taehyun? I don't know who in the hell that is and he just broke my window!!

"What do you mean you're my new best friend!? You just broke my window!!!" I whisper shouted because Taehyung is in the other room.

"You'll know soon, where's Jimin?" He asked and my brows furrowed.

"How do you know Jimin..?" I asked and he sighed as he strolled on over to my bed, ignoring the broken glass.

"I know him, he knows me, but we haven't met." He said and I swiped a tongue across my lips.

"He's not here right now." I said and Taehyun looked up at me.

"I'll wait." He grinned and my lips pursed.

"But Jimins friend, Taehyung, is here..." I mumbled and Taehyuns eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Ah, don't worry, he knows me." His grin widened as he left my bed and left my room before I could even respond.

I hurriedly left my room and went to the living room where Taehyun was literally sitting on a sleeping Taehyung.

"What in the world are you doing!" I whisper shouted and Taehyun looked up at me.

He had a cheeky grin on before booping Taehyung's nose which made my eyes widen as Taehyung flinched and soon woke up to see Taehyun in front of his face.

"Taehyun...?" Taehyung mumbled, his brows furrowed.

"Hey Tae." He said and Taehyung chuckled.

"Good to see you again, old friend." Taehyung said and my eyes widened.

"Could y'all please explain?" I asked, raising a brow and they both looked at me.

"Fine fine, sit down." Taehyung sighed and as I went over to the couch, Taehyun left Taehyung and went to a cushion.

"I kinda already know why Taehyun is here because I know he wasn't visiting me but I'm gonna let Jimin explain that one but basically, I know Taehyun because he stayed in the village, we were best friends until Taehyun left."

Taehyung explained and I nodded.

"Taehyun doesn't have a human soulmate because of his cat type, Jimin will explain that one also."

Taehyung stated and I sighed.

"I guess we're gonna be waiting for Jimin then." I said as I leaned back on the couch.

• • •

30 minutes later...


After I was literally gonna give up hope, the front door opened.

I looked back and saw Jimin stepping in.

Jimins eyes immediately landed on Taehyun then went to me, then went to Taehyung.

"I don't wanna even witness this so I'm just gonna leave." Taehyung said as he swiftly got up from the couch and went straight out the door.

"Welp." Taehyun said and Jimin exhaled before going to go sit down on the couch.

"Jimin, could you explain to me what's happening? Taehyung said that Taehyun literally broke into my home for a reason." I said and Jimin raised a brow.

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