T W E N T Y - S E V E N

435 15 0

9:32 am.

Nali Pov.

Wedding day..

I can't believe it... damn. After today, I'm gonna have to go back to go back to South Korea.

I'm currently just laying in bed, Jimin curled up against me.

He always does the same position, his head dug into the crook of my neck, his arms around my waist, and his tail would usually be either around my leg or around my waist also, but this time, his tail is wrapped around my leg.

It's cute in my opinion, and comforting.

Jimin had also colored his hair, tail, and ears a different color last night, they are now this hot pink color. His ears and tail is this same.

The wedding is also in a few hours, but I'm gonna have to be there at 12:30, Jimin has to be there at that time also.

I slid myself out of Jimins grip, trying not to wake him up.

I went to the kitchen and I looked for the pancake mix.

Yep, I'm makin pancakes.


Jimin Pov.


I woke up to faint singing and also... a very tasty smell.

My ears perked up as my eyes fluttered open. I looked around and I also noticed Nali wasn't there.

I slowly got out of bed, a yawn leaving my lips as I did.

I went to the kitchen where the noise was coming from and guess who I saw?

Nali singing apple bottom jeans.

She also hasn't noticed me yet so I'm taking that chance to sneak behind her.

I snuck behind her, she also has earbuds while cooking pancakes.

I sat on the counter and she... still hasn't noticed me yet.

My tail touched her leg which made her flinch, she looked right where I sat and her eyes widened.

She took her earbuds out and smiled.

"Hey." Nali said as she went back to the pancakes.

"Wow, I can't believe pancakes would ever steal my attention." I snickered and she rolled her eyes.

"We're gonna have to leave soon because we have to get to the wedding at 12:30." She said and I nodded.

"Ah... I can't wait until our wedding." I sighed and she looked at me.

"You want to marry me?" She asked with a small pout which I just found adorable... whenever she pouts, it's just adorable.

I smiled at her cuteness, my eyes turning into a crescent shape.

"Of course I do." I said and made a toothy grin.

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