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"What are you guys doing here...?" I mumbled and my mother sighed.

"Well, we were gonna surprise visit you but here we are, being met with some unknown feline hybrid!" She said and I flinched. If there was one thing that's scary, it's my mother when she's mad and she's beyond mad right now.

"Ah.. ma'am, it's... nice to meet you, I'm Park Jimin and don't blame your daughter. I showed up here unexpectedly yesterday's night and she didn't have the time to call you." Jimin bowed and her strong glare turned towards him.

"Could you explain who you are and why you were even in my daughters apartment last night, as you say." My mom asked and Jimin sighed.

"Your probably aware of feline hybrids choosing their mate, will they can't choose, it's actually fate and fate picked your daughter." Jimin explained as he turned his gaze to me then back at my mom. As soon as he said that, her eyes softened and she grinned.

"Well why didn't you say so? Welcome to the family." She said and her grin widened when Jimin smiled also. My father and brothers glare lingered on Jimin for a while though.

"Okay, we have much to talk about." Izzak said as he put an arm around my shoulder then we went to my room.

"What is it that we have to talk about and why the hell is your girlfriend in my house?" I asked as I raised a brow and his lips went into a straight line.

"When my mother called about coming here, Eunha heard and persisted to come along." He slightly groaned and I chuckled.

"Well then.... time for me to go kick her out." I grinned and he chuckled as he followed behind me.

I left my room to see Jimin talking to my mom and my father was sitting on the opposite side of Eunha on the couch then there was my cousin, leaning against the wall as he was scrolling through his phone.

"Okay y'all, time to go." I said and they all turned their gaze to me.

"Aye, we just got here, we're not leaving." My cousin said and I rolled my eyes.

Let me introduce my cousin, his name is Ekon. He doesn't live in South Korea but he likes to visit.

"Yeah, and I would like to get to know Jimin also." Eunha said and my eyes narrowed at her.

"Mhm, yeah no. I'm staying in Nali's room." Jimin said as he got up and went straight to my room but then Ekon stopped him.

"What, why don't you want to stay here?" Ekon asked and Jimin sighed. One thing about Ekon, he doesn't know about the stuff Eunha does, therefore, he doesn't see anything wrong about her.

"Listen, of course I would like to get to know you all but... ah... I'm sleepy, yeah I'm sleepy." Jimin said and my dad almost laughed because he already knows that Jimin knows about Eunha and he's definitely not sleepy.

Ekon was about to respond but the doorbell rang. My brows furrowed as I went to the door, Jimin following behind me. I opened the door to be met with Seokjin...? He has this purple hair, his ears matching and damn Jimins right.. he's handsome but eh.

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked and Seokjin sighed as he let himself inside

"Your father didn't trust her for some reason and he instructed me to follow you both." He said as he looked at my family and my brows furrowed.

"Nali, who's this?" My father asked and I looked at him.

"This is my brother, Seokjin." Jimin said and my fathers gaze turned to Seokjin.

"Pleasure to meet you." Seokjin said and he bowed as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Time for me to take my leave." Jimin said as he went to my room, pulling me along with him.

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