T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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I woke up to me feeling immense pain...

I groaned as a foot collided with my cheek. My eyes finally opened to see Kwon.

"Wake up you shit." He said as he hit my cheek again with a gun, he grabbed me by my arm and yanked me up.

That's a good way to wake up somebody...

"It's time for you to go." He said as he opened the iron door.

The room is very dark so when the light from the outside reached my eyes, they squinted.

Kwon lead me through the hallways of... wherever I am.

We reached the front door and he pushed me out, him following behind me.

I saw that Changbin guy sitting on the side of his truck, a cigarette in his left hand.

He saw us coming out of that... building and he raised a brow.

"Why does she have a new bruise on her face?" Changbin asked as Kwon gave me to him. I'm relieved now because Kwon finally let go of my arm, that he was grabbing harshly.

"Why do you care?" Kwon asked before leaving and going back into the building.

Changbin sighed before dropping the cigarette onto the ground.

"The car door is unlocked." Changbin said before getting into the driver side.

I nodded then went to the other side, and like he said, the door was unlocked.

As soon as my ass collided with the seat, Changbin cranked up the car and he immediately drove off.

I then started to search my clothing.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Changbin asked and I chuckled as I continued what I was doing.

"I'm searching to see if they put any kind of bug on my clothing while I was asleep or anything, just to make sure there is no tracker." I said and Changbin hummed in response.

There was actually no tracker or bug, which is a relief..

"Okay so, Nali.." Changbin said, getting my attention, I looked at him.

"I'm a friend of Felix, he asked me to come and get you." He suddenly said which made my eyes widen.

"Damn! I knew something was off about you! I excepted you to be some pedophile or sum.. I have to thank Felix for that one." I said and I heard Changbin chuckle.

"Yeah, he owes me for this one." He said and I snickered.

"I owe him, and he owes you, okay." I said and he laughed.

I then started to feel lightheaded... I already know what that means.

"Surprise shawtye!" A voice yelled from the back and I saw Felix and Taehyun.

"Felix, how are you even here? And good to see you, Taehyun." I said and Taehyun smiled while Felix scoffed.

"You should be thanking me, and I entered your mind as soon as you left that building, you must have not noticed." Felix said, with a smug look on his face.

"Your such a.... fungus, a fungus on my toe that I can't get off." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"I'm honored to be apart of your body." Felix winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are... I'm not even gonna say anything." Changbin said and I sighed.

"Changbin, take Felix far far away." I said and Changbin chuckled.

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