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We're all just sitting down at a table while Bon is on a phone call outside.

And... There wasn't a word spoken.

"Ah.. Nali, what time is it?" Jimin mumbled in my ear and I took out my brown cased phone.

"5:43 am." I whispered and Jimin nodded.

"So.. your dating a feline hybrid?" Ryulin asked and I looked at her.

"Yeah." I simply said and she nodded.

"So Jimin, how has your day been so far?" Ryulin asked and I swear... I can't believe she had the audacity to even say that, I will gladly throw hands.

"I've been fine." Jimin muttered.

I suddenly felt a hand on my thigh.. I looked at Jimin to see that he's just innocently looking around.

His grip on my thigh strengthened and.... I swear.

"Okay, I'm back and woah." Bon said and his eyes catched a glimpse of Jimins hand on my thigh.

My eyes narrowed at him and he put his hands up in defense.

"Anyways, how are y'all?" Bon asked and Jimin sighed.

"I'm very comfortable right now." Jimin grinned and Bon raised a brow at him.

"By the way, I love your couple outfits, I find them very cute." Bon said and Jimin chuckled.

I'm just sitting over here, trying to ignore the pair of eyes in front of me that's nonchalantly looking at Jimin.

"Okay, Ryulin, could you stop looking at me for gods sakes." Jimin suddenly said and Ryulin squeaked.

"Sorry.." She mumbled and everything went quiet again.

Bon then sighed then sat in the chair beside Ryulin that's also in front of Jimin.

"So.... Nali, how have you and Jimin been?" Bon asked and I looked at Jimin then back at Bon.

"Ah... we're officially dating." Jimin said and Bon immediately got up and cheered like the holy ghost possessed him or sum.

"Thank the lord!!! I knew it would happen!" Bon grinned widely and a small smile grew on my face as I observed at Bon's childish behavior.

"Let me you've had sex... 11 times?" Bon questioned and my eyes widened while Jimin bursted out laughing.

"Nope, only two and a half."

Jimin answered and my brows furrowed as I looked at him.

"You've been counting?" I asked, raising a brow and Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah and what do you mean, two and a half?" Bon asked and Jimin looked at him.

"It means we've had sex twice but then I grinded on her one which could have lead to sex but didn't, therefore, two and a half."

Jimin explained and Bon tried to suppress a smile.

"I thought that was imprinting." I mumbled and Jimin looked at me.

"I mean, it is but for humans, it's grinding." Jimin said and I sighed.

I looked towards where Ryulin was supposed to be sitting but she's gone...

She could have been kidnapped or she's puking.....

Oh well, not my problem.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 6:34 am. I need to be there my 8... Damn.

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