T H I R T Y - S E V E N

252 3 1


Mention of: Almost rape and small violence, none of it is explicit

If any of these things offend you, feel free to skip to the next chapter


Nali Pov.


I groaned as I felt myself slowly gain consciousness.

My eyes flew open when I remembered what happened.

I looked around and I was in a corner, I also saw Jimin, but he was in a corner across the room,.. and he was still unconscious.

My hands were tied, along with my legs.

And there was some kind of board attached to the wall, and there was a rope across my waist that was tied to that board.

I was still in my clothes, Jimin was also. But our clothes were torn because of the glass. I saw little cuts on Jimin's skin which pained me to even look at for long.

I heard the door open and I looked up.

A man came in.. he had round glasses and a black turtleneck, along with a coat.

"What are you planning on doing with us?.." I muttered and he looked at me.

"I'm just following orders, ma'am." He sternly said before looking at Jimin.

"When your friend wakes up, tell him not to worry. Nothing will happen to you, we are just waiting for our superior." The man said before he left.

I just huffed as I looked around.

The room is made of concrete, there's nothing else.. it's very boring.

I lightly groaned as I started to enter a state of naseau..

I've been experiencing this for a few days.., but I thought it would be gone by now.

But I heard another groan, that was different from my own.

I looked to Jimin and saw him waking up.

"Jimin..? Jimin! Wake up..!" I hissed at him as I tried to move, but failed to do so.

His eyes fluttered open, but his eyes immediately squinted.

"Nali?.." He squinted at me and then he looked around. His eyes widened and his face went cold.

"What the hell happened." Jimin said as he tried to get up, but also failed.

He looked behind him and saw the plank, that also kept me from moving.

"Don't worry.. it's gonna be fine,.. I think." I mumbled and he looked at me.

"It's not gonna be fine Nali! We've literally been kidnapped!" Jimin yelled and he sighed as he laid his head against the board.

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