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3 Days Later...

Nali Pov.


It's the afternoon of Friday right now... I just got back from college.

For the past 3 days, it has just been sexual tension between me and Jimin.

Ever since that war thing started... we've been going out of our way to make the other person aroused and see who would break down first.

Jimin even had the audacity to do this at college also.

On Thursday, he had sat down beside me in my first class and you wanna know what he did?

He had the audacity to jerk off in class.

Jimin had asked the teacher if we could sit in the back in which I was confused to why he even asked and of course, she said yes.

Nobody knew he was even jerking off because nobody saw it, nobody heard it...

But I on the other hand... had a good view of it.

He did different things in each class. He would always bite his lip and swipe his tongue across them every few seconds in my 2nd class.

Jimin just did... other... unimaginable things.

So yeah... now I'm just sitting on the couch... dealing with my thoughts.

I haven't tried much of anything even though it's a war because I actually... don't give a shit.

But.. this has gone too far.

Jimin is currently at his village, visiting some people so... I'm gonna try to summon Felix or sum cause I need his help.

"Felix~~" I whined and soon, I felt lightheaded.

Felix appeared beside me on the couch, a smug look on his face.

"Aw... you want me to help you with getting aroused... the little baby wants my help." He pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah, we're going to the store." I said as I got up from the couch and he chuckled.

We left my apartment and entered the elevator.

"I know what you could do." Felix suddenly said and I looked at him.

"You should wear something scandalous when you both go to bed because how could a guy control himself if a sexy woman slept beside him? Hm?"

He smirked and my eyes widened... that's actually a good idea.

"I know, I always have great ideas." He said and my brows furrowed.

"I'm still connected to your mind." Felix said and I nodded.

I soon got a phone call as the elevator doors opened and I picked my phone out of my pocket as we both left the elevator.

The caller id is.... "Father"

My brows furrowed again as I answered the phone.

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