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When Jimin went to the back of the classroom and the class went on as it was supposed to, of course, the teacher was distracted, she kept stuttering with almost every word, which, she never used to do. I could also tell that she took quick glances at Jimin, as did everybody else, I on the other hand, could care less.

When the class ended, the teacher cleared her throat as Jimin came up to the front of the room again.

"So, is there anyone who caught your eye?" The teacher grinned as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Jimin looked around, sometimes glancing over to where I am but then his gaze goes somewhere else which I don't even mind.

"No, there is none." Jimin stated and the teacher nodded as he left the classroom.

Some girls sighed, some even banged there head on the table which I found hilarious.

"Okay class, you can go." The teacher mumbled and as soon as those words left her lips, I got up and left.

• • •

After what happened today, nothing else happened, everything went as it was supposed to and the other hybrids who came here didn't pick anybody either.

The day went on, and now.... it's finally over for a few days.

As soon as I left the building, I inhaled the air.... the warm breeze of air. There is also a party tonight which i'll gladly go to but my brother asked me to hangout so I'm gonna have to do that before I go back to my apartment.

I was gonna leave the college campus to be stopped by somebody at the gate.

I was gonna leave the college campus to be stopped by somebody at the gate

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"Ah... hello, you must be Nali, right?" The guy asked and I raised a brow.

"Who are you?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Well, I'm Park Sang-jun and don't worry, I'm a friend of your brother, he asked me to hangout with you because his brat of a girlfriend wouldn't let him leave." He said and I snickered.

"Ah... you hate her too?" I asked as we both left the gate.

"Yeah, I've only met her once and I already hated her." He said and I giggled.

"I think everybody hates her." I said and he nodded.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Im going to a party tonight so im gonna have to be back at my apartment by... 8:00, yeah 8:00." I said and he nodded.

"Well.... we could watch a movie at your apartment." He said and I thought about it for a moment.

"Mm... okay, yeah, we're already going towards the hotel so okay." I said and he grinned.

We went back to the hotel and Yong was actually busy so I didn't really get to greet him when I came in.

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