T W E N T Y - F I V E

432 12 12

Dani Pov.


Y'know how we make mistakes?

My eyes fluttered open and I softly groaned, I looked to the side and saw the naked man I slept with last night..

Yeah, I'm gonna need to get up and leave because it's my first day at my new job and I refuse to be late.

Y'know, I thought I would never get a job if you want me to be honest...

Most jobs declined me because... I don't even know, maybe I have bad luck or something.

I also live by myself... a 25 year old living by herself.. damn.

I slowly got up from my bed and my feet touched the cold wood floor.

I then went straight to my bathroom because I have morning breath and I need to brush my teeth.. I also need to take a shower after that.

• • •

After I did everything that had to do with my hygiene, I left my bathroom and slipped some clothes on.

The man who was in my bed is.... still in my bed.

I sighed as I thought about what to wear.

I needed something professional so I wore a black jacket with a black shirt under it with a necklace. I also wore a black skirt that went into the black jacket with a checked block blazer, with the other half in conventional black, secured and tied with a checked belt.

I ran 4 fingers through my soft hair as I put lipgloss on.

I picked up at sandal from my closet and I threw it straight at the sleeping man in my bed.

He groaned as his eyes opened, but soon squinted.

"Why the hell did you hit me?" The guy mumbled and I raised a brow.

"Because I have to get to work and I want you out." I stated and he sighed before picking up his phone, the man's eyes widened as he looked at the time.

"I have to be at work also... but I'm the boss so I can be there at anytime, can't I just stay here? We did sleep together after all" He purred and my eyes narrowed.

I'm not even gonna like.. the guy looks like a prince.

He's also a feline hybrid.

The man also has these broad shoulders and damn... I haven't seen anything like em.

He has also has full, plump lips... I payed attention to that last night, maybe that's what pulled me in, I don't know.

But I'm actually gonna be late..

"I don't care, you need to be out in under 20 minutes." I stated before leaving.

I then went to the kitchen to get oranges then I left my house..

The building that I was hired at is close to my house so I can just walk there.

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