T H I R T Y - F O U R

321 13 2

Seokjin Pov.


The disgusting feeling in my stomach had gotten stronger as I walked down the stairs of C.C's house...

He's always in his basement whenever someone wants to meet him..

Z.K blabbered to C.C about Nali and now he wants to meet with me.

I just hope this goes the best way it can go..

I opened the dark wood door as horrible thoughts came into my mind.

Then I saw him.

In all his glory.

C.C sat in is usual couch with his dog beside him.

From the outside, I showed no fear, but on the inside, I was drowning in it.

"Sit, S.J." C.C said and I obeyed.

Everyone calls every single person by their initials but I didn't want that so I told everyone not to call me that.. except for him.

"So... I've heard you have a friend now... right?" He asked, his voice low.

"Not a friend but sure." I said and C.C looked at me.

"If she's not a friend then who is she?" He asked he went back to massaging his dog.

"That's really none of your concern.." I mumbled and he raised a brow.

"Oh really? Okay.. I'll just be watching her for a few days... to make sure she won't be shot dead or decapitated." C.C smirked and my brows furrowed.

"Why do you think any of that would happen to her?" I asked and confusion ran over C.C's face.

"You don't know? Somehow, that girl's ancestors are royalty in Japan, and I don't know how, but she is also royalty to the people of Japan. I don't know if their gonna kill her or praise her, I'm just going with the worst choice." C.C smirked and my eyes widened.

"Soon enough, someone will come for her and take her." C.C said and my lips parted.

"But.. here's the confusing part, she's more famous than what she should be. Somebody twisted the truth and make Nali look good. Somebody obviously wants to see her and that person is trying to do that by trying to make people take her to Japan."

My breath hitched as I processed what C.C told me..

I need to tell Jimin about this... he needs to protect her from... whatever is trying to come from her in Japan..

"Go ahead and tell Jimin, I know you're thinking about it." C.C muttered and I sighed.

"Why do you even wanna protect her? What are you getting out of this?" I asked with suspicion and he chuckled.

"You'll know soon enough, but for now, go to Jimin and Nali while they're still here." C.C said and I huffed before leaving C.C by himself.

I went straight to the castle.

It's still night and I know they are sleeping but at this point, I have no reason to care.

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