T H I R T Y - T H R E E

325 15 1

Usually, I wouldn't actually care what happened to Seokjin... but right now.. Jimin's eyes showed true sorrow and just.. downright sadness, along with guilt.

His ears were alot flattened and his tail didn't move an inch.

"What happened..?" I asked as I scooted closer and sat beside him.

"He um.. I'm guessing he saw my ex? I don't know what happened but now he's gone... Yoongi saw a glimpse of them together at the store and he said that Seokjin looked.. mad." Jimin mumbled as a tear escaped his eye.

"I also found out that.. Seokjin actually never betrayed me, my ex made him do those things because... I actually don't know how she threatened him but she did..." Jimin said as his lips quivered.

"I hated my brother for no damn reason." Jimin said as more tears started to come out of his eyes.

This made my eyes water, it hurts me to see Jimin cry. The moment that tear came, it was like a sharp pain in my heart, like when you suddenly get a pain in your heart for no reason... but this time it hurt alot more..

I immediately pulled Jimin into a hug, he let out more tears as he hugged back.

His head went into my neck as I caressed his hair.

"Don't worry, we will find Seokjin, I can assure you that." I said as I kissed his earlobe and released him from my embrace.

I wiped the spare tears from his eyes and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"Come on Chim." I said as I laid down and opened my arms to him.

He nibbled on his bottom lip before he soon joined me.

I'm actually taller than Jimin, but I always allow him to be the bigger spoon because it's comfortable for me and him.

But right now, I feel like Jimin needs to be comforted and loved.. so I wrapped my arms around him and Jimin willingly snuggled into my body.

We stayed in that position but I soon heard Jimins quiet snores.

I just hope everything will be alright.

• • •

After a few hours of staying in that position, when I made sure Jimin was in a deep sleep, I took my leave.

I slowly left the room, quitely closing the door as I did.

I'm determined to find out what happened to Seokjin, I can let Jimin be sad and guilty like this, therefore, I'm gonna find Seokjin for him.

I walked around the castle, trying to find somebody, until I heard voices.

It came from the, living room I think?

I went towards it and fully opened the cracked glass doors.

When I entered, I saw Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok.

They all looked at me when they heard the door open, they are kinda surprised to see me but not really.

"I'm guessing you heard about Seokjin?" Taehyung asked and I nodded as I went to sit with them.

"We're trying our best to find him but we've came up with nothing." Hoseok said and my brows furrowed.

"What about his favorite place or something?" I asked and Namjoon sighed.

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