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Three Months Later...

Nali Pov.

December... the cold month.

If you want me to be honest? I hate the cold. But the cold gives me a excuse to stay in and drink hot chocolate.

Of course, I love the snow but uh.. no, I hate the cold in general.

But Christmas is something I look up to though, ever since I've been a kid.

This year, my parents are gonna have a Christmas party and all of our cousins will be traveling to South Korea, I think it would be a good way for the rest of my relatives to meet Jimin.

I'm currently laying on the couch, a computer sitting on my lap.

By the way, LZ is still with Bon. It's funny how I said that LZ would only have to stay with Bon for a bit but it's literally been four months.

Jimin is currently at his village, hanging out with Taehyung and Jungkook.

If you're wondering about Taehyun and Felix, they've been traveling, sometimes popping into my brain to see how I'm doing then doing back to whatever they were doing.

Now... there's one thing I love about my college, they always let us go on vacation in December. We get to stay at our dorms, apartments, and houses. The sad thing is that when January starts, we get a whole lot of work, that's basically it.

So yeah, I'm looking at houses on my computer, some tiny houses. I've been working alot at the cafe and since Jimin is always with me, he just stands outside, bringing in alot of customers.

I'm basically just looking at houses for the future... probably way in the future but I'm still looking.

I had jobs in my first and second year of college but they never really worked out.. the only reason I could pay for my apartment was because I used to always painted then sold them on the streets, I also had alot of money from when I was smaller.

I flinched at the sound of the door opened, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the door and saw Jimin coming in.

"Nali..." Jimin whined as he sat down on the couch and placed his head right on top of my computer, his now purple tail swishing side to side.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked up from my computer, a small smile on my face.

"I want to sleep." Jimin said as he quickly took my computer and before I could even process anything, Jimin had already nuzzled his head into my stomach.

Jimin has wrapped his arms around my waist then curled up.

I sighed as I laid back also because I already know I'm not gonna be getting out of this one so I might as well rest also.

But I didn't get that rest.

I felt Jimin raise his head up and on que, I opened one of my eyes then looked down to see Jimin already staring at me.

Now... Jimin has been wanting one thing from me but I'm refusing to give it to him, which is why he's acting like this. Soon he will be acting all flirtatious and seductive to get his way instead of cute, I already know.

"Nal..." Jimin mumbled and I sat up before tackling him.

"Yah.." Jimin said as I hugged him to shut him up then I just closed my eyes as I rested on his leg.

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