316 8 18

9 months later


I sighed as I got up from the couch, lightly grunting as I did. Jimin helped me up slightly.

"I hope our baby is comfortable in there." I mumbled as I went to the kitchen, Jimin following behind me as he chuckled.

"I can assure that our baby is." Jimin said as he leaned against the counter as I went to the fridge to get some strawberries and I went to the cabinet to get some peanut butter.

Jimin left the counter and got a bowl from the cabinet.

I went to the sink after I grabbed the strawberries and started washing them off.

But I dropped one.

My eyes widened as I felt liquid run down my leg.

"Jimin..." I mumbled as my head turned to him and with my tone, he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"My water broke."

• • •

Jimin held my hand as I squeezed it, and I flinched when Izzak busted down the door.

"The car is ready, come on!" Izzak said as Jimin lead me out of the apartment.

People were worried as we ran out of the lobby.

Felix and Taehyun are also out of my mind, accompanying me as we all went to the car.

Taehyun was worried because he has never witnessed a pregnancy and Felix is.. fascinated.

"Just take deep breaths, okay?" Jimin said as I got in the car and I nodded.

We all got in the draw and Izzak immediately turned the motor on and left.

I did as Jimin told me and squeezed Jimin's hand. I squeezed his hand harder when I felt so much excruciating pain.

"Izzak, can't you go any faster?!" I yelled at him and he turned his emergency lights on and went faster.

"Can't you see I'm trying woman?!" Izzak said and Felix slapped his arm.

"It fucking... hurts!!" I yelled and Jimin hissed, causing me to immediately feel sorry.

"She's sorry for her yelling, Jimin." Taehyun said and Jimin nodded as he rubbed my arm.

When the car came to a pause, we all got out the car in a hurry.

"We have a pregnant woman here!!" Izzak yelled throughout the hospital and soon after, people came with a wheel stretcher and the men with coats on helped me get onto it.

Jimin stayed with me as they rushed me to a room.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to stay outside."

That was all I heard before I was separated from Jimin.


Jimin Pov.


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