T W E N T Y - E I G H T

389 18 2

Nali Pov.


I woke up to voices.... alot of voices.

I pouted as my eyes fluttered open but I immediately squinted when sunlight hit my eyes.

My brows furrowed as I looked around to be surrounded by people.

I looked to the side and saw Jimin, who doesn't know I'm awake.

I'm literally in a airplane right now.... and all I have on is a oversized t-shirt with socks...

"Jimin..." I mumbled and he flinched as he looked to the side. My eyes narrowed as he made a guilty smile.

"Good morning princess...."

Ah... so he's trying to soothe me with nicknames...

"Why am I here?" I asked as I raised a brow and he ruffled his hair.

"Well.... the plane was gonna take off and you were refusing to wake up so uh.... I kinda, maybe sorta put you here.." Jimin mumbled as his ears flattened and he fiddled with his tail.

I sighed before looking down at the oversized t-shirt.

"It's fine, but... I'm literally wearing a oversized t-shirt and that's it." I snickered and his lips went into a straight line.

"That's... not my fault." Jimin said before he quickly got up and left, causing me to laugh.


Jimin Pov.


I got up and left then went straight to the bathroom.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Yoongi.


Yoongi's voice sounded rasp... so he just woke up, I'm assuming.

"I need your help with something."

"And what might that be?"

I could sense the annoyance in his voice when he said that... he's always like that when he gets woken up.

"I'm gonna need you to make sure that my father and Seokjin is not at the castle tonight."



Yoongi immediately hung up after he said that.

I just hope this plan goes well... but most of them time, plans never actually go as planned so it would be a miracle if this actually worked.

I left the bathroom and went back to the seats.

Nali was there... and guess what she was doing.


I can't believe she's sleeping again.... she's still adorable though.

By the way, her family isn't with us. They are gonna stay in America for one more week.

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