T H I R T Y - T W O

317 14 0

I groaned as I woke up.. my eyes squinted as the bright light hit my eyes.

A familiar scent filled my nose..


I looked around and I was in fact, in a hospital.

Jimin was in the chair that was beside me. He was fast asleep.

I didn't wanna wake him up because I noticed the bags under his eyes... but that also makes me question, how long have I been here?

It's still bright outside...

I nervously bit my lip as I looked around more.

Suddenly the door opened which made me flinch. My head whipped to the side and I saw a doctor come in.

His eyes widened when he saw that I was awake.

"You're awake?" He asked and Jimin's ears twitched.. before you knew it, he opened his eyes.

"Nali?" Jimin mumbled as he got up.

"I'm here.. what's happening right now?" I asked and the doctor chuckled.

"Well, you've been out for a while.. well, more than you needed to be." The doctor said and my brows furrowed.

"For how long?" I asked as I looked at Jimin.

"Well, a day." He said and I raised a brow.

"A day? And you said it was more than I needed to be out.. is something wrong with me?" I asked and the doctor chuckled before he shook his head.

"Actually, no. You're just dehydrated. I would just suggest drinking more and you will be fine." The doctor said before he left.

"I guess we're free to go then?" Jimin asked and I nodded.

But before I could even get up, Jimin had picked me up bridal style again.

"Aye! Put me down!" I said as I tried to suppress my laugh but failed.

Jimin snickered as he carried me out of the hospital. We had got looks from different people, elders especially, but it looked like Jimin didn't care.

"By the way, what about Ji-hyuk?" I asked and he looked at me as we both walked on the sidewalk.

"Bon has been with him." He said and I hummed in response.

I'm also still thinking about what Jimin said.. about the vacation thing. I'm still wondering how in the hell he even planned it..

Maybe I'm overreacting and he had help with planning it, I don't know.

"I need to tell Ji-hyuk to get some more groceries for me.." I mumbled to myself and Jimin snickered.

"How long will Ji-hyuk be getting groceries for you?" Jimin said, a smile printed on his face.

"Until he moves out." I said as I looked at Jimin and he cracked up laughing. My serious face stayed which made Jimin laugh even more.

I looked at Jimin blankly as he laughed, even though I had an urge to laugh myself. But I kept my serious face to keep Jimin laughing.

Jimin soon started to cover his mouth... but I didn't like that because I like seeing his smile, so I immediately pulled his hand away from his mouth and I let his hand be entangled with mine.

He looked at me when he noticed our contact.

Jimin stopped laughing but had a bright smile on his face.

"So, what are you planning on doing when we get back to the apartment?" Jimin asked and I looked at him before I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know.. there's not much I really wanna do." I snickered and Jimin raised a brow.

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