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I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes to be met with abs. Yep, I'm sleeping on Jimins abs again while his arm is around my waist, along with his tail.

But my legs are aching so I didn't even react.

"Hey." I heard Jimin purr into my ear and I flinched.

"Hey romeo." I whispered and he chuckled, vibrations coming from his chest.

"Can I get up now." I asked as I looked up at him to see that he's already looking down at me.

"Nope, you shall stay with me, right here, forever." He said as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

"Let me go you rock." I said and Jimin sighed as he finally released me from his grasp.

I scooted off the bed but I was expecting to get on my feet but unfortunately... I landed flat faced on the ground.

"Ow...." I whined and I heard quiet snickers from the man of the bed.

"You need some help, babygirl?" He said, and it rolled off his tongue so damn easily...

"Yes..." I mumbled and he tsk'd as he got up from the bed then picked me up bridal style.

"Do you want me to put you back on the bed so you can change your do you want to walk around the house naked all day?" He asked and my brows furrowed as I looked down to see him wearing shorts.

"Aye... You could have atleast have put some clothes on me also." I pouted and he chuckled as he sat me back down on the bed.

"That wouldn't have satisfied me." He smirked as he went to my closet and I rolled my eyes.

He took out a light pink jumpsuit out of my closet and came back over to me.

"Raise your arms up." He said and my brows furrowed.

"I need a bra." I said and he raised a brow before raising my arms up then slipping the cropped hoodie on me then he yanked me legs forward which caused me to hiss, then put on the pants.

" I said and he raised a brow before raising my arms up then slipping the cropped hoodie on me then he yanked me legs forward which caused me to hiss, then put on the pants

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"You don't need to have a bra or lingerie because I'm the only one here." He said and I sighed before getting up slowly.

I put my hand on the nightstand for support, there's also a spare condom right here and my brows furrowed as I looked at Jimin.

He noticed my eyes staring at him then looked to the nightstand to see the condom. Immediately, his lips curved into a smirk.

"That's for later." He said before leaving the room. I looked back onto the nightstand, picked up the condom, then.... threw it across the room.

I waddled out of my bedroom and went to the living room to see Jimin.

I didn't say a thing, I just sat beside him.

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