T W E N T Y - N I N E

450 21 1

Nali Pov.


Jimin and I walked on the sidewalk, feeling the breeze.

It's very warm out here.. perfect weather.

I don't know where we are going but I'm excited. Today would be out first date...

As I thought about different things, Jimin grabbed my hand which had caught my attention.

"This is where we stop first." Jimin said and children's laughs, along with people's yells filled my ears.

I looked up and saw that we were at a amusement park.

My eyes widened as the sight in front of me. Believe it for not, I've never been to a amusement park, I don't know why, I've just never been there.

"Woah..." I mumbled as Jimin lead me inside, passing the white gate.

Children ran with balloons in their hands, couples ate cotton candy together, and I admired some of the couples that had a child. There was this cute couple who had a child and he was sitting on the mans shoulders.

My mouth curved up into a smile as we looked around.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jimin asked as he payed for the tickets and I looked at him before looking at everything else again.

"Hm.. maybe... that." I said as I pointed at some circular thing..

It looks like you have to be attached to the wall as the ride goes round and round... it looks cool.

"Well then... let's go."


Jimin Pov.


This ride looks scary as hell...

Like... what if someone just flings off?

What if they attachment to the wall isn't stable and while the ride is going round and round, you just get flung off and die.

And it goes very fast....

But.. I have to do this because this is a date and I'm not gonna ruin this date for Nali.

We're at the front of the line now... everyone who was already on the ride is leaving... some had smiles on their fast, some looked like they were gonna puke.

We got on the ride, I, of course was beside Nali.

Nali literally had a smile on her face... while I was scared to death, but that smile is making me feel better.

The ride soon started and my heart pounded very fast, it felt like it was gonna just pop out of my chest and land on the floor.

The ride started to go round and round... but it soon started to get very fast.

Oh god.


Nali Pov.

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