E N D - S P E C I A L

339 8 7

Nali Pov.


"Ubin! Come on, you have to get changed!" I yelled out at my five year old as he ran around the house.

"Mama!" I heard Arya call out from her room and I sighed as I stopped chasing after Ubin and went to her.

"Yes sweetheart?" I said as I went to her room and saw her dress on her body but her hands struggling to pull the zipper up.

"I need help." She mumbled and I chuckled as I helped her with her dress.

I swear, five children are a hassle in the morning, but I still don't regret my choices.

After my kids had turned one, I had got a job as a manager.. and I'm still the same manager. They pay me well and I'm good at the job, so why would I leave?

Jimin has also gotten a job, he's a professor at the college where we met. I'm not surprised all the students there attend his class.

And now here I am, trying to get the kids ready because we're surprising Jimin at the college since today is his birthday.

I already asked the principle if it was okay and he was all good with it.

"Okay, now to find-" My words stopped as I felt lightheaded.

"Mama, are you okay?" Arya said with a pout on her lips as I held my head.

"I'm fine." I said as I looked to the side and saw Felix and Taehyun.

"We thought you needed our help." Felix said with a smirk on his lips and I rolled my eyes.

"Uncle FeFe!" Arya said as she jumped in Felix's arms, her ears brushing the side of his face.

"Hey squirt." Felix said as he patted her back. He saw me quietly chuckling and he left with my child.

"You go find Ubin and I'll help the rest of the kids." Taehyun told me and I nodded before we splitted ways.

I sighed as I looked throughout the house. I went to the kitchen and that's where I found him, sitting on the counter eating tangerines with.. Yoongi?

"When did you get here?" I questioned as I picked up Ubin off the counter and held him.

"A little while ago, Ubin had let me in the house." Yoongi said as he pointed at Ubin.

Yoongi is also kind of our neighbor now, we live close to him. When the kids were born, Jimin and I also decided to move to his village.

We could have lived in the castle but we decided to just live in a small house because there are meetings in that castle with felines from different areas, so we just wanted the kids to be safe.

Jimin is also a king now, his father stepped down a little while ago when the kids were two.

So basically Jimin is a king yet he works as a college professor.

I sat Ubin down on the couch because he already had his clothes on.

Dionne and Dani were also on the couch, reading a book together about Alice in Wonderland.

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