T H I R T Y - S I X

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No words came out of my mouth. It was like I couldn't verbally speak.. anything.

Jimin noticed my reaction and immediately shut the door on him.

Jimin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in a warm embrace.

The only thoughts that went through my head were.. why was he even here..? Why did he come here? How did he find me? How could he possibly find me in a time like this?

Memories flashed through my brain and it gave me chills.

That man broke me into pieces and now he is suddenly back? Why? What's his motive?

Jimin lead me to the couch and we both sat down.

Jimin and I shared no words, we just sat there in silence, hearing each others breathing.

That's all I need though, his silent comfort.

His fingers ran through my hair, slightly scratching my scalp as he did, which was weirdly comforting.

"Do you want to sleep for a bit?.." Jimin asked quietly, as if he was scared to ask.

"I'm fine with just sitting here." I quietly said as my eyes fluttered closed.

I just want to lay here, I need to process what just happened..

But I felt lightheaded, which made me sit up suddenly.

I looked across from me and I saw Felix, along with Taehyun, and they had worried looks on their faces.

"We sensed you were sad, we were sleeping when we did. What happened?" Felix asked as he scanned my face before looking at Jimin.

"Her.. ex came back." Jimin mumbled.

"Not my ex." I muttered and Felix looked at me.

"Okay so ex, not so ex. Either way, I'm gonna kick his ass." Felix said before he got up and went to the door.

"Felix, wait!.." Jimin said but Felix had already opened the door.

And there was Dae-min, still waiting in front of the door.

"I'm gonna have fun with you..." Felix purred before leaving my apartment, Taehyun following behind him and shutting the door behind him.

I just put my hands over my face. I don't want them to do anything but there was this tiny feeling inside me that wanted Felix and Taehyun to beat the hell out of him.


Taehyun Pov.



I followed behind Felix as he lead Dae-min somewhere, somewhere I didn't even know existed.

"Where the hell are you hybrids taking me?!" Dae-min yelled, an ounce of anger in his voice, I almost missed it.

I also forgot to mention that Felix has a strong grip and Dae-min.. is unable to get out of his grip.

Not gonna lie, I find it hot, but I'm just gonna brush that thought away.

Felix lead us to the streets and we went down a sewer. It didn't stink in that particular spot though, it seemed that the place had been touched up a bit, and by a bit, I mean, a lot.

There were couches, beds, a TV, it looked like a lounge area.

"Felix, where are we?..." I mumbled and he looked at me.

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