3 - Infernal Storm

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Naraes POV

We walked in silence together towards my house.

Which I didn't mind.

It was a bit comforting to even walk around with someone because I'm used to walking with no one.

When we arrived to my house I stood against my fence.

"Alright so... Basically I'm going to go through the front door and open the door at my balcony so you can see where my room is and then you can come in" I said to him.

He nodded.

He waited in the dark spot under a tree on my lawn to see the balcony doors open.

I walked inside my house.

"Good evening" I said to my family as I walked in closing the door so they wouldn't see Jimin waiting in our backyard.

"Hi. How was work sweetheart?" My mother asked kissing my forehead while walking into the lounge which was by the front door.

"It was alright. Made a few sales and a few trades" I said.

"I'm going to head to bed now. I'm a bit tired from working" I said giving my mother a hug before walking up the stairs.

I went into my bedroom and closed the wooden door behind me and locked it.

Then I walked over to my balcony and opened the doors.

Then a few seconds later Jimin appeared at my balcony.

"Damn your a messy teenager" he whined seeing the mess in my room.

"Do you want me to kick you out? Because believe me. I'm fine with you sleeping outside" I said to him.

"Haha very funny. No I will stay" he said as blue smoke formed around his body.

When he appeared he was blue again.

He sat down on my bed.

Well when I say that he sat... He actually hovered an inch over my bed.

"Close your eyes" he said to me.

"Why?" I asked confused while closing my eyes.

"Just keep them closed" Jimin hummed focusing on something.

"Alright. Open" he said.

My eyes opened and I felt shocked when I saw my entire room was no longer a mess.

All my clothes that lay on the floor were neatly put away and all the papers lying over my bedroom desk were neatly in a pile.

I looked around with my mouth open.

He smirked seeing my expression.

"Jimin" I said looking at him while he stood up looking out the glass balcony door.

"Yes Mrs Narae?" He said looking back over his shoulder at me.

I sat down in my bed pulling the sheets over me a bit while resting my back against the head board.

"Come" I said patting the bed right next to me.

He smirked.

"What are you trying to do? Sleep with me?" He chuckled before floating over beside me.

"No" I said giggling as he sat down under the blanket next to me.

My legs kept the blanket up as my legs were up by my chest.

The blanket dipped over his legs however did slightly go through his right leg. But I didn't mind it. I was desensitized to it now.

"Tell me about yourself" I said looking at him.

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