32 - Ancestor's Rage

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Narae's POV

"He's asking are you both dating" Jin muttered.

I looked at Jimin hinting he should answer because I wasn't sure if he would want them to know.

I felt Jungkook's eyes burning on Jimin and I.

"Ah yes we are dating" Jimin said.

My eyes landed on Jungkook but his eyes were on Jimin.

He seemed to scrunch up his nose a bit which made me feel somewhat bad.

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you both. She's so pretty though my wife was prettier, no offense Narae but I shouldn't be attracted to my own blood line, but you seem lovely" Taehyung said wrapping his arm around behind my shoulder.

"Oh my god yes. You all have so much to tell me about your lives" Jimin pipped up smiling widely.

"Also I brought some food so are you guys hungry?" I asked them all.

"Yes" They all said.

"Ah Narae do you mind if I take Jungkook for a wee talk?" Jimin whispered to me.

"Yea no problem" I said.

He smiled at me and pecked my lips before grabbing Jungkooks hand.

"What are you doing?" I heard Jungkook question as Jimin pulled him away from the group.

I giggled to myself getting out the food.

"Are they okay?" Jin asked standing next to me while watching Jimin pull Jungkook away.

"They have something personal to talk about. Don't worry about them. They will be back" I said offering a warm smile to Jin who took it and helped me grab the bags of food and lift them to a picnic table under a pretty tree close to my car by the lake.

"So Narae~ May we know more about you? I'm so curious about my relative. I bet you are so popular from having Jungkook and I's good looks" Taehyung said with a cheeky grin.

Jimin's POV

I pulled Jungkook over towards a pretty tree around the corner by the lake.

Jungkook followed my lead but then ran over to feel the fresh water when he saw the beautiful area.

I smiled watching him crouch down with my hand still in his to touch the cool water with his other hand.

He smiled seeing the water ripple under his touch.

Their was silence as we both enjoyed each others company for a few minutes.

Jungkook just felt the water in his hand while I just watched him.

"I missed you a lot Jungkook" I said ending the silence between us.

Jungkook looked up at me before standing up.

"I missed you likely more" Jungkook said now looking at me.

"Do you know why I pulled you away from the others?" I asked him.

His gaze on me was innocent.

He shook his head.

I took a deep breath before pulling Jungkook's diary out of my black bag which hung over my shoulder.

Jungkook looked down at it.

"L-et me guess, y-you read my diary?" Jungkook said his voice cracking.

"I didn't mean to. Narae and I found a secret room in her house which had both you and Taehyung's wives wedding dresses in it, as well as this-" I said pausing to get pictures of me stuck to some paper out of my bag.

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