27 - Bless

440 26 22

Naraes POV

Jimin teased me the whole time while we were cooking.

I even turned around to see him wiping sweat off his chin as he was standing near the oven which must have been hot.

He wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt, exposing his stunning abs and pecks.

But we were now finally finished cooking and we all sat down to eat the stir fried noodles and spicy rice cakes.

Jimin and I sat on one side of the table and my parents were on the other.

We just finished plating up the food when I remembered that Jimin can't eat the proper food he put on his plate.

"Mother, father" I said getting there attention.

"I think there's someone knocking on the front door" I lied to my parents.

There eyes widened as they got up to answer the door.

Quickly I took Jimins food and scrapped it off back into the bowls taking the messy bowl and sticking it on my lap under the table.

Jimin seemed to understand what I was doing and made a replica of the food I just scrapped back into the bowls.

My parents walked back after locking the door.

"No one was there honey" My mother said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh. Maybe it was my eyes playing tricks on me" I said to them.

"Or maybe they got the wrong house" Jimin suggested as my parents sat down believing what we said.

"Ah well... Dig in" My mother said warmly and we all started eating.

"So Jimin, are you from Busan?" My father asked him.

God awkward chats between my parents and my crush, how awkward could things get...

"I believe so, I have lived here all my life at least" He answered honestly before taking another mouthful of food.

"Do you have a job?" My mother asked.

I cut Jimin off before he could answer.

"Ma~ That is rude to ask" I hissed.

"I wasn't asking to take his money Narae. I was just curious. I mean if you both get together I need to know my daughter will have enough money" My mother said trying to clear up what she said.

"Jimin you don't need to answer that question" I said.

I saw Jimin sigh in relief because we both knew that the only job he has ever had was being a kpop idol as well as having the duty as being a genie which isn't something he gets paid for.

"Do you have siblings?" My father asked him.

"Yes. I have a younger brother" he said smiling.

"You get on well with him?" My father continued.

"Yes I do sir" He said before taking another mouthful.

"Well you both are welcome around here anytime" My mother said.

"Ah- Thank you" Jimin said his voicing breaking slightly.

I held his hand under the table because I know having them mention his family likely was hard to hear.

"So where are you taking Narae?" My mother asked Jimin waving her eyebrows.

"Are we allowed to know?" She added.

I looked at him waiting for his response.

"Ah it's a surprise for Narae but I don't mind telling you both when she goes to get dressed" Jimin said to my parents.

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