15 - Flare of burning souls

513 32 7

Narae's POV

(Once again, mature audiences are advised due to the mention of abuse in this chapter so skip over it if you need too)

I quickly closed the door and rushed over to Jimin.

He was tied up and hung up to the wall by lots and lots of P.E uniforms.

I ripped one of the shirts off his mouth.

He was covered in blood.

"Narae I'm not in any clothes under this" Jimin said blushing.

His skin was a dark blue.

"Let me get you down and then you can explain what happened. And we can work around the fact you are naked" I said to him.

Jimin kind of nodded while sighing.

His blood reminded me of a blood red rose.

I carefully untied the shirts from his ankles.

And then started to untie the shirt around his stomach.

"I would suggest you don't untie that one" Jimin said lightly looking at me while coughing.

"Why?" I asked making eye contact with him.

"If that falls then the rest of the shirts covering my bottom body parts will fall too because they are connected to it" Jimin said lightly blushing as I saw his blue cheeks darken in colour.

"What if I wanted to see your blue dick" I said with a giggle.

"I don't overly plan on the time you see my dick is while I'm hung up covered in blood" Jimin said.

I nodded.

"Yes true. Wrong time for sexual comments" I said.

"However Jimin I need to at least loosen the middle shirt to untie your wrists" I said to Jimin.

He bit his lip.

"Okay" he muttered and I could tell he was blushing.

I carefully untied the middle shirt a bit.

But it wasn't enough to be able to release Jimins wrist.

I bit my lip and untied the middle shirt.

Jimin looked alarmed but I held up the shirt just above his crotch to keep it hidden while I untied one of his wrists.

He fell slightly against the wall.

"Can you hold this up while I untie your other arm and neck?" I asked Jimin.

He pressed his hand against the shirt.

I carefully let go and reached up to the shirt around his neck.

He lifted up his chin while I untied it.

It fell revealing his chest and abs.

I tried not to stare but I couldn't not examine quietly his stunning blue chest.

I'd never seen it blue before.

His chest and abs are still very attractive when he's blue.

I then started to untie his other wrist.

When I finished untieing the shirts from his wrist he fell from the shirts and collapsed to the ground.

"Ah Jimin-ah~" I squealed worrying.

I kneeled down in front of him.

He covered his lap in the shirt and rested against the wall.

He closed his eyes breathing in and out deeply as his chest rose back and forth with every breath.

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