24 - Flash of Pain Suppression

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Narae's POV

"I'm looking for a very old lamp that used to belong to me"

Instantly my mind went to the lamp Jimin came out of.

The lamp which luckily isn't in the store today but instead we left back at my house.

I calmly tilted my head to the side to act confused.

"I don't believe any lamps have been brought into this exact store for a while sir" I said to the male.

"Are you sure about that?" He said approaching my desk which Jimin hid under.

I nodded.

"Yes sir. Was it brought to this exact store because we own quite a number of stores here in South Korea" I said to the male.

"Your acting dumb with me aren't you young girl" The male said slamming his hands down on my desk.

I saw the blood covering his knuckles and a menacing look piercing down at me as I looked up at his rectangular face.

"Why would I act dumb with you when my job is to supply good customer service to all customers" I said loudly.

"Don't speak up to me like that or I will report you" The older male huffed angrily.

My heart sunk to the thought of me losing my job.

As much as it wasn't the best job, I enjoyed it.

I had a lot of memories working in the store and because a lot of jobs are now taken by machinery so there isn't many options for jobs. 

So I find working in a older style store is very good and reliable so that I won't lose my job to a machine.

"Sorry" I said bowing to the male.

"How many other stores are there under this title in Busan?" The male said still gripping my desk.

"I believe 9 other stores sir" I said to him.

"Hmm, May I give you my number and if a lamp that is very old and rough looking turns up, can you call me and let me know? I left something- I left someone very valuable to me inside of it" The male said.

"Oh I'm so sorry for your loss" I said pretending to think he was referring to a dead relative which was cremated.

He went to say something but stopped himself.

He must have been wanting to say 'no' or something similar but if I didn't know about Jimin, I'd think he was crazy if he left something else actually living or someone inside a lamp.

I passed him a pen and some paper which was on my desk.

"Thanks" The male said writing down his number.

His cold voice stuttered the nice words out of his evil mouth.

He headed for the door.

"Sir your not going to report me?" I asked him.

"Not unless you hinder me finding my lamp" The male said looking coldly over his shoulder.

I gulped a little before faking a smile that he must have believed and he dashed out of the store and down the road.

I sighed sitting down while looking at Jimin under my desk.

"Who was that?" I asked Jimin who stayed under my desk.

"My old master" Jimin said putting his head on the back of my desk.

"Why would he be looking for you?" I asked Jimin.

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