19 - Demonic Spike

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Narae's POV

I lay down in the bath with Jimin.

I pressed my back to his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

I smiled enjoying the feeling and his warmth.

Then I turned to face him.

"How is your body feeling?" I asked him looking at the cuts and bruises on his body.

"It doesn't feel to bad. I feel quite relaxed now which is good" Jimin said to me.

I smiled.

"Okie that's good" I said to him.

"However I'm getting quite hot in the bath so your welcome to get out when you want but I think I'm going to get out now" I said to him.

"Ah I will come in a bit" Jimin said to me.

I got out of the bath and wrapped my body up in a towel while I left the bathroom.

"Call out if you need anything" I said pulling on some grey sweatpants and a baggy white shirt.

Jimin didn't respond but I left him too it.

Maybe 10 minutes had passed as I sat on my bed watching tv before Jimin appeared from my bathroom.

I chucked him a towel and he gratefully dried his body.

Then he sat down next to me in only boxers.

But it didn't last for long as Jimin has now gained some strength so used his powers to put him also in some grey sweatpants and a white shirt.

I giggled.

"Aww we match" I said.

Jimin chuckled.

Then I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

I got up unlocking the door.

My mother smiled at me while handing me two plates of dinner.

"By the way what is your friends name?" My mother asked me.

Jimin then wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I held the plates.

"I'm Jimin. Kind of like Park Jimins name" Jimin said.

My mother widened her eyes.

"Oh that's so funny you look so similar and are called his name" she said.

"I know. They call me this because when I turned up in the orphanage they said I looked like a baby Park Jimin, so the name stuck" Jimin said with a smile.

"Oh you were in an orphanage! You poor thing. I couldn't see why someone wouldn't want you" my mother said.

He let go of my shoulders.

"Actually my parents still wanted me. Just they were unfit to take care of me at the time" Jimin said.

He linked being an orphan so well into his actual life.

"Oh why were they unfit to take care of you?" She asked

"I'd rather not say. My apologies" Jimin said bowing.

"Ah it's alright. I was getting too nosy. You both go eat up your dinner while it's hot" she said smiling at Jimin and I.

I walked away from the door with the plates and Jimin used his powers to make the door close once my mother was out of sight down the stairs.

Jimin cloned the food.

And I put his plate down while he sat down on my bed eating his fake replica of my mother's cooking.

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