26 - Flourish

468 22 16

Narae's POV

I woke up as my alarm went off for the first time.

I felt so excited.

It's my birthday!!!

I rolled over and saw a peacefully sleeping Jimin beside me.

His blue cheek pressed up against a pillow, his eyes shut tightly, and the sweetest snoring noises escaping his big soft plump lips.

Jimin woke up again last night with cold sweats.

He was shivering and I saw the fear in his eyes.

I spent 3 hours last night just cuddling Jimin until he fell back asleep.


"Narae. I- I don't want to go back to sleep" Jimin said.

His eyes were black and dull.

His bottom lip was quivering.

I wrapped my hand behind his back and pulled him closer to me.

He lay his head down on my chest just above my breasts and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

My other hand played with his hair which I knew was helping as Jimin drifted slowly to sleep the more I played with his hair.

I kissed his forehead after he hadn't moved for 20 minutes before turning the light off and lying down again with him.

"Everything is going to end up okay Jimin-ah" I whispered quietly as I closed my eyes and got lost in sleep.

~End of Flashback~

I am now Jimins age.

I smiled feeling super excited for the day.

I truly can't wait to see where Jimin takes me later tonight.

I watched Jimin sleep for another 15 minutes before my alarm went off again.

I leaned over fully turning the alarm off.

Then I gently went to shake Jimin to wake him up, but my hand went straight through him.

"Aish" I groaned.

I really hope one day I can touch Jimin when ever I want without needing to wish it.

"Jimin-ah~" I whispered softly to him.

After about a minute his eyes fluttered open.

His small hand rubbed his eye as he focused on his surroundings.

He smiled seeing me looking at him.

"Good morning birthday girl~" he said brightly.

His voice was slightly raspy which was totally hot.

"Good morning" I chirped whilst smiling.

"How did you sleep?" He asked as he sat up and stretched from underneath his blue magic blanket.

"I slept well. Did you sleep better the second time?" I asked him.

"Yes I did. Thank you so much by the way" Jimin said.

"Your welcome" I said to him with a smile.

"I'm serious. If you weren't here and I went through that I would have been so scared" Jimin huffed.

I placed my hand in his and give his hand a comforting squeeze.

"It was no problem. Though do you want to talk about what the night terror was about at all?" I asked him.

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